Part 8: How to not take care of Bakugo

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Nobody's POV

Dabi walked through the bar with Bakugo in front of him. Tomura said from behind the bar "Get him to the stool patchwork!" He looked in his direction and saw that Tomura actually wore all of his hands "Did you really had to dress up for the kidnapping handy man?"

Tomura gave him an angry glance until the Pomeranian interrupted "Whatever you shitty villains try to get me to fucking do for you lowlifes, I won't do it!!" He screamed. Dabi answered annoyed "Maybe you'll change your fucking opinion after waking up." He then proceeded to lift him up "What the fuck!!!" the kid and Tomura yelled. The kid was now as high as he could lift him, which was clearly over Dabi's head. The kid started moving and fighting back but Dabi just aimed for the chair. Tomura followed his eyes and screamed while climbing over the counter "No fuck Dabi!! Don't you even dare!! Stop it!!" Dabi looked him dead in the eyes and screamed "Yeeeet" He threw Bakugo on the chair which shattered as he collided with it. The whole league was surprised and yelling.

"DABI what were you thinking!!!! He isn't moving!!!!" Tomura yelled deafening. The league got really silent suddenly. "I just wanted to shut him up. And now we can do everything easier since he's sleeping. I promise it won't kill him." Dabi answered calmly. "He is a potential new member!!" the leader yelled. "He's just an idiot" Dabi responded. Tomura wanted to say something but then he moved on to Toga.

"How was your mission?" She looked away from Bakugo and responded "I only got the blood of one person." She plugged out two of the bottles of her machine and handed them to Tomura. He imidently gave one to Kurogiri "Place it in the fridge in the basement! And then patch up Spinner, Magne as well as our guest. And Toga keep the other bottle for emergencies." He ordered and Kurogiri teleported away for a moment and right back to patch the other members up. He also gave the other bottle to a really happy Toga.

Toga asked "Where are Mustard, Moonfish and Mascular?? I haven't seen them since we split up in the forest." Tomura looked in Toga's direction and answered "Well Compress told me that the broccoli boy beaten him up. Moonfish and Mustard got probably caught from students too. But we all knew the risks this mission would bring and they were all happy with the work they got to do. And we have to think that Spinner or Dabi could have got caught." Toga just nodded.

Toga then went to the bar and grabbed her two family sized packages of cookies and some apple juice. She sat on one barstool and pulled out her phone. "You guys can do this without me, right??" She asked. "Yeah whatever Bloodsucker." Tomura hissed. He turned to Dabi and groaned "You pick him up and place him on one of the armchairs. And please be a bit gentle with him." Dabi just rolled his eyes and picked up Bakugo by his shirt and walked over to the armchair.

Tomura pulled his gloves out of his pocket and got the handcuffs and chains from the counter. Then Kurogiri was finished with taking care of Magne's and Spinner's wounds. Dabi placed Bakugo on the armchair carefully so Tomura won't complain this time. "So how did you guys got injured anyway??" Tomura asked while fixating Bakugo on the armchair.

Magne started to talk about the fight against the wild pussycats, how Spinner had saved that broccoli boy because he is a real hero in his eyes and how Kurogiri had saved them last minute.

While they explained Dabi got his bottles of vodka and opened the first one. "And that's how we got here and waited for you guys." Magne ended. Tomura shuffled back to the bar and got himself a glass of whiskey. "Soo Tomura where is the promised pizza???" Spinner asked him. "It's in the oven Spinner. There are pepperoni, Hawaii and two  margarita pizzas." Spinner opened the oven and pulled all four pizzas out. So the league decided to have dinner now.

Tomura ate two pieces of the margarita. He ate the really slowly which was the reason why he was the last one to finish eating. Dabi got himself one piece of the margarita and two pieces of the pepperoni pizza. Toga ate three pieces of the Hawaii pizza. Twice took one piece Hawaii and two pieces pepperoni. Magne got herself one piece of the Hawaii and two pieces of the margarita. Spinner ate two pieces pepperoni pizza and one piece of the margarita. Kurogiri just ate one piece of margarita because he already ate before the attack. The last 5 pieces are for Bakugo if he wants them or for the others, until he wakes up the pieces were stored in the oven.

Spinner, Toga, Magne and Compress decided to play UNO. Tomura got bored of waiting for Bakugo to wake up so he started drinking more whiskey.

(Please drink responsible)

~15 minutes later~

Tomura was really drunk and laid with his upper body on the counter. He was really tired and yawned. "Well is he gonna wake up now or not?" he mentioned annoyed. Dabi got up and walked in the right hall "Hey, where are you going you fucking burned piece of shit!!" "Calm your tits crusty creep. I'm just going to get something to wake the boy up." Dabi replied and disappeared. "I don't.... stupid fucking Dabi!!" he laid his arms back on the counter and pouted. Toga continued eating cookies and the other members started playing Uno. Kurogiri was collecting the empty pizza boxes and other trash.

Dabi came back shortly with a big box of water. When Tomura saw him arive he started chuckling. The others looked up and spotted Dabi too. They just sighed and pulled out their ear protection. Tomura reattach the hand on his face.

Dabi now stood next to the Pomeranian and poured the water over him. The kid woke up immediately and started yelling "WHAT THE FUUUUCK!!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE !!!!" "Calm the fuck down it's just some fucking water!!" Dabi answered. Tomura got up and walked towards Bakugo saying "Well we, the league of villains, saw your performance at the sport festival. You were very aggressive to your opponents and classmates. They even chained you up at the end of it. Do you really think you are a good fit for a hero. You would be a way better villain. Think Bakugo you get to fight against that broccoli boy and-" Bakugo interrupted "I don't wanna be a stupid fucking villain in your dirty organization!!! You fucking twig!!"

Dabi started laughing "Haha twig. Hahaha " he wiped fake tears away. "Your not any better burned toast!!" The kid yelled. Tomura chuckled after that and Dabi just answered "I think Tomura is more aesthetically challenged than me." Tomura snapped at him "What the fuck. You think I'm unattractive. Well then look in the mirror and then you'll see the definition of unattractive." Dabi snickered back "Well if being incredibly sexy was a crime, I'd be serving a life sentence!" "A life sentence? For a crime you didn't even commit?!"

At this point they were just giving each other death glares. The air was so thick at the league that Toga could have cut it with a knife. Before they could kill each other the door bell suddenly rang. The whole league looked over at the door. "Here is Pizzahaz. We have three large pepperoni pizzas."
Tomura turned to Kurogiri "I didn't order any pizza??" he whispered confused.

Then out of nowhere All Might broke though the wall. Then everything happened so fast it was hard to progress for every member. When Kurogiri tried to teleport them away from the heroes one of them has captured them in a wood prison. "Surrender villains!! There's no use fighting back!" All Might declared.

Suddenly gray mud portals appeared behind every member and each one was sucked in it.

~wet mud noises~

They found themselves in another room. It was a bit fancier than their old bar. "It seems that your master has saved us, Tomura." Kurogiri said. Tomura sighed "I'm way to tired to deal with him now." "That's ok, the rooms are upstairs." Kurogiri pointed to the stone stairs. The stairs were rather a storage for alcohol bottles. "Looks like we have enough expensive alcohol to drink tomorrow!" Dabi added and walked upstairs. The other members looked at Tomura and Kurogiri. Tomura just signalized with his head that they should follow him. They nodded and went upstairs.

"Do you think he's mad at me, that the heroes found our old location??" Tomura asked worried. "I don't know Tomura. Only time can tell." Kurogiri responded "But you should go to bed now. In the bathroom in your room should be some spare inhalers." Tomura nodded and went upstairs.

This base was way more fancier than their old one. The floors have carpets, some paintings are on the walls, their rooms are way bigger and each room has a private bathroom. Their rooms have also more furniture and they could even decorate them.

This is his master's 2nd house.

1587 words

Soo they are at their new base now. The canon story will continue later. First we gotta build a relationship between our skincare needing idiots. There will still be spoilers.

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