Part 45: Bonding...kinda?

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Dabi's POV

I turned my attention to the doctor who was now petting Johnny's head 'Right? That's it's name..' I looked at the doctor who treated the Nomu like a pet. Ujiko then looked up to me "Soo Dabi since my baby Johnny always gets sick after using his quirk you will have to stay here for a little longer." A short snicker escaped his mouth "But don't worry boy, the bed bugs here don't bite!"

I watched as the man turned in his chair laughing 'What did I do to deserve this...I'd rather crawl home than spend more time with this psycho grandpa.' I turned around as I heard a laughter "The exit is not that way." I snarled back "But it's a hall so it has to lead somewhere and there I will punch a hole in the wall." I took a step forward being extra careful with the tubes and wires on the floor.

"I told you this is not the way out of this Touya." Ujiko sounded way more serious 'What.' I stopped as the whole world seemed to have stopped for a moment by the sound of my old name. The name I hoped no one would ever say again. A tight feeling in my chest flamed up like a burning fire making me unable to think straight and my body turned towards him. I growled "What did you just call me?!"

The doctor petted the little Nomu relaxed as his words seemed to be as calm as ever with some kind of fake worry "You don't remember who you really are??" I set a short sprint towards him. Anger ignited a flame in my hands. The hand speeded towards the doctor but missed him. The stool on which he was on moved to the side.

I growled out "Don't ever call me that again. He is dead. I killed him!" My electric blue eyes looked at the dark green googles. 'Wait, how does he even know my name..I never met this man in my life' I pulled my hand away but didn't step away "How do you know my name anyways doc? I am sure that I never met you before in my life." I spoke these words with deep hatred towards my past.

To my surprise he still didn't seem to feel threatened at all. He chuckled and cheerfully replied "Right, and you survived burning yourself to ashes all by yourself." I could feel him roll his eyes behind the dark googles. 'Wait, what!?' "Wait wait wait. So you mean to tell me-" I stepped away "-that your creepy ass saved some meaningless kid." Ujiko folded his hands "Perhaps."

I yelled out "What do you mean 'PeRhApS'" The fat little man shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. Be more precise." "Do you know me or not?!" I asked him angrily my eyes wanting to kill him right now right here. But I couldn't, Tomura would be very mad since the doctor brings us many benefits. The doctor clicked his tongue "That's better."

I wanted to burn him right there but somehow I still had control over my body and pulled my hands in my pockets. 'I wish I could kill you, but I won't...for now.' I also took a few steps back to give him some space. Ujiko chuckled for a second but then got serious again "To answer your question. It's a yes and no. We have met before and I know your name but I do not know you Touya." I hissed back "It's Dabi, four-eyes!" 'Stupid bitch!'

The man in the big chair sighed "Alright. Is there anything else you'd like to know Dabi?" I turned to him "How do I know you're not lying?" He let out a small smile "I guess you just have to trust this old man's memory." He let out a small laugh at the end. I let out a short bitter breathed out laugh. 'Wow, now the knowledge of my past is in the hands of this crazy grandpa. If it isn't just my luck with Fortuna.'

My piercing glance focused back on the man "Okay, so what did you mean with I wouldn't have survived as ashes or some shit." The man seemed to be thinking for a moment but then his voice spoke. It wasn't as loud as the first time I meet him so this is rather pleasant now "Let me ask you a question. How much do you remember before you woke up stitched up?"

I looked at the man. "I-I" When I tried to remember a lot of painful memories came back. I looked at the ground again "I was in the woods, training. I tried to become stronger and then he didn't come...After that is just hotness and pain." I finished and turned my gaze up again. 'What did he do??' My mind tried to puzzle details together in hope they would make some sense.

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