Part 51: Research

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Nobody's POV:

Dabi sat on the living room floor holding a green bunny plushie with yellow hearts and long ears with a small plastic crown on its head. The villain moved it a bit imitating a girl's voice "Ohh help me, where is my strong friend Pixie?" Eri took the purple bunny with a small sword and made some kind of plane flying noises while moving the plushie in the air. Then she went to the ground fast with it and singed "Dandadata!" as it stood there. 

"Don't worry Amber, I am here to save you from the dark creatures of the night!" She lifted the bunny arm which had the sword attached to it with sticky tape. "Ohh no it's coming!" Dabi squeaked as he held the bunny with one hand and brought a big red dragon plushie with the other to fly to them. "I am Dannie the Dragon and I demand to have the princess handed over to me without any resistance."

The small girl placed her plushie in front of the green bunny and yelled "If you want her you have to fight me asshole!" Dabi now stared at the young child for a second before he started "Where did you hear that?" Eri lifted her head up "Papa said you're an asshole. Why are you asking?" she shifted closer to him and looked him in the eyes with her big red ones. 

"Well, it's not really a nice word and you shouldn't call everyone that." "Why was he calling you that?" Dabi defended Tomura "Well he is kind  of right, I was a bit of an asshole that day, but I only tolerate him calling me that because he's my boyfriend." "Why?" "Because I love him...anyways you shouldn't call people that without any reason." "Why?" the girl asked now sitting in Dabi's lap. 

"Because it isn't nice." "Why?" "Because you call people asshole's when they're mean to you?" Eri looked down for a second and then up "You're an asshole." she stated with a sly smug on her face. The flame user looked down to her "What?! Why?!" "You don't play with me and are always gone!" She puffed her checks. The flame user was about to answer when his phone on the side started ringing "See." Eri crossed her arms over her chest as if this proved her point.

The villain could only give the girl a weak smile as he lifted her up and on the couch giving her a small kiss on her forehead before picking up the phone. "Hello." He answered. "Hey man, you got time now." He recognized the birdbrain's annoying voice instantly. "Not really, why are you asking? Aren't you supposed to do your job?" "I already finished all my work, scar face." The hero bragged as Dabi took a turn continuing walking around the room while his daughter watched him curiously. 

"I have to say, I am impressed but I don't think you called just to tell me that." He heard a light chuckle from the other "You saw right throw me, so anyways I got some sweet sweet info about our newest missions and patrols around the blocks." The villain had to admit that this might be very interesting, but Tomura and more than half of the League wasn't there so kind of useless unless he wants to go on strolls himself. But as a father and research subject that's pretty hard to do.

"Cool, sounds interesting but I am to busy right now, you know gotta finish them all." He gave a low smile trying not to expose himself in front of a small girl. "Ohh that's sad anyways, when do you have time for another hangout Dabi?" The man was now just annoyed "As I said not now, we need to discuss such stuff earlier." "Ohh an, when did you become such a goody two shoes." "I am not birdbrain, I am just too busy." "Yeah, ye-" The man hung up on him. 

He turned around to Eri who hugged her rabbit "Who's birdbrain?" Dabi tried to explain while holding the phone "Well, he's someone I work with but don't pay too much mind to h-" The man's phone ringed again interrupting him. He pulled it to his ear harshly and yelled "What birdbrain?!" 

"I think you might have something switched up?" He heard the mad scientist's voice "Ohh, I'm sorry doc." "Who's birdbrain?" "Not important, why are you calling?" "Well we need to run more tests and it's time you go into the training stage again. It's been three days." The flame user went quiet for a second "How long do you think this will take?" he checked the time seeing that it was already 2pm. "Perhaps 2 to 4 hours, depending on how cooperative you are." 

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