Part 39: Da birdbitch

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Dabi's POV

I waited for 10 more minutes to make sure that Tomura is sleeping. Then I slowly got up trying not to make him up. I stood now on the side of the bed now 'Now let's get dressed.' I quickly got a good white shirt and fixed black pants out of my wardrobe. I got dressed slowly not making any loud noises. 'Luckily Tomura isn't a light sleeper. He may have troubles falling asleep but once he is asleep he won't be able to be waken up easily.' 

I went deeper in the closet and got out a modern bedwarmer and turned it on with a button on the side. I walked closer to the bed and slipped it under the blanket gently. I let out a weak smile as I turned around 'Let's see if that thing can replace me for the time being.' I opened the bedroom door and slipped out of the room in no time. Then closing it carefully behind me.

As soon as the door was closed I let out a groan filled with pain 'Shit...maybe we have some painkillers around the house.' I shuffled to another bathroom to open the cabinet and pulled out the white container with the pills which laid next to Tomura's asthma shit 'Everywhere I go I see his asthma stuff...he sure is prepared for accidents or some crazy shit going down.' I took two out and leaned over the sink. I put them in my mouth and swallowed them with some tap water. 'Ugh I hate the aftertaste of these little motherfuckers.' I let out a deep sigh and left the room. 

I shuffled to the kitchen to open a new bottle of whiskey. 'Just one sip...' I put the bottle to my lips and drank the bitter alcoholic liquid. Suddenly I realized I downed the bottle and took it away from my mouth. I let out and angry huff as I slammed the half full bottle on the counter 'Shit fuck fuck. What the hell. That wasn't supposed to happen.' I held my forehead disappointed in my little self-control. 

I walked to the hall to leave the mansion and slipped on my black boots and ripped coat 'I'll get a new one soon.' Shigaraki has been telling me to get one because the days have been getting longer and colder. ''Your quirk won't create that much heat, you're still human!!' those were his words when he found out I still walked around in this old thing.' But it wasn't like the cold could do that much, I can just turn the heat up further. I groaned because his words were stuck in my head as I opened the door to walk out in the cold night.

I found my way into a dark alley with a lot of trash. I kicked an empty soda cane around in front of me clearly bored. 'Now where should I go...' I stopped in the middle of the path 'No, no, where would Hawks be? I just have to think like this blond bird...Where would I be after I snuck out of the hospital mad...I need to blame the other for what he did showing them clear evidence that they were wrong. The other should take the blame, so I'd go to the factory to fake evidence.' 

I let out a bitter laugh and changed the path now heading towards the factory. The moon shined in the alley as I came closer with every step I took. I was surprisingly calm about my confrontation with the angry bird. I started to smell the factory and all the oil and metal. I looked up and decided to place myself somewhere where the man might find me. I climbed up a metal ladder and walked into a parking garage. Then I leaned against a concrete pillar to wait. 

I heard a sharp breeze and opened my eyes to see a red light moving fast in front of me. I shifted to the side to dodge the attack and I heard a crushing noise beside me. I looked up and saw Hawks' feather in the pillar and him standing next to it. He pulled out the big red feather with some difficulties but then he came towards me. He drew the sharp red feather to my throat with a serious and cold look in his amber eyes.

This time he said with an angry tone in his voice "This was very different from what we discussed." I looked into his angry eyes keeping a cold face. "Why can't we get along better, Dabi?" The man spoke. I started to notice small bruises on his face and his arms were covered in bandages under the costume. I focused back on our conversation "I thought you only had those small feathers left." my voice was as cold as the winter breeze but it also might have shown my curiosity on how he got such a long feather after the incident. His amber eyes got way more serious, his pupils formed into an even thinner black slit. 

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