Part 27: The LOV is back in business

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As you may have noticed, I have some troubles writting right now. I know the plot and how to do it, but I have a massive lack of motivation. May or may not upload less but I try my best. Sooooooo let's continue with the plot.

Shigaraki's POV

I moved back into our mansion four days later. Things went back to normal pretty quickly. Except for the fact that I am now in a relationship with the burnt toast. At first he bothered me a lot and I mean a lot, while I tried to work. Until I just gave him jobs he would do, like burn something here someone there. An arson there an arson here. I just did it, because he would give me affection like kisses. He really is the only one that can annoy me and I would still love it. He is a distraction I need to take seriously get rid of, if I want to do anything at all.

I drank in the bar during my break. Dabi was currently out to commit arsons like usual. 'I need to think of a good plan. Or maybe get an ally. Not just new members, but another group we could work with. Cooperation is not one of my strengths...Maybe I could ask Twice if he met someone. He is usually one to find new people with the same goals.'

I put my drink on the counter, and made my way over to our video game room. 'He is usually there playing games with Toga and Magne.' I opened the door, and all of them sat in the dark room in a circle. A red pentagon was on the ground with candles on each corner of it. Twice, Toga, Magne and Spinner sat around it looking shocked at me. Compress was in the corner playing with cards.

"What the fuck!!" I whispered loudly. "We can explain! No we can't!!" Twice yelled and stood up. Toga just scratched the back of her neck, while Spinner avoided any kind of eye contact clearly embarrassed.

Twice screeched some words or sentences, but I didn't understand any shit he said. My eyes went to Mr.Compress, since he is the most mature person in the room. I looked at him questioning, it was clear that I wanted him to explain this shit.

"Well" he started "they originally came down to execute a demon but since they obviously couldn't find it. How do I say it..They decided that the only logical thing was to summon one!!" The last part was nearly yelled.

I facepalmed and signed heavily. "You guys are the worst". "We know" Toga replied imidently. "Well anyways, I actually have a reason I came to you guys.." "Really?" Spinner asked and looked up from his phone.

"But I only wanted to talk to Twice. I have to ask him some questions." The members looked at each other and Toga whispered "Oohhh are you in trouble~" Twice jumped my way and yelled "I'm sorry for whatever I did. No I'm not"

I just pointed to the door. "I'll wait for you in my room. You can finish the ritual later." I knew that Twice definitely needed a minute or 5 to get to my room with his two personalities.

So I left the room leaning the door not closing it completely. I walked over the marble floor to my room. I stopped when I walked past a big painting.

It is just a tornado out of colours from the yellow and dark blue spectrum. Also some white and black. Close around the tornado were all kind of color streaks. The 'ground' was grey with black cliffs or rather cracks. Some green plants were still in the ground despite the tornado, others were in the swirl. Other little tornadoes were near other big one. Little baby tornadoes. It looks like the tornadoes are glowing, but also the background.

Master always told me that this picture represents life, love, a war, humans or just simply balance. As a kid I never understood it. It never made sense, how can a tornado represent such stuff. Or how can the painting be so calm and busy at the same time. 'Art is mysterious, but it also depends on the viewer.'

I walked into my room. I pulled out a second chair, and sat on a chair in front of my desk facing the other chair. I then took my notebook from the desk and a pen. 'Twice should be here soon. Maybe he even meet so many people, that I have to write down names.' Right after I ended my short thought the door opened.

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