Part 24: Feelings are complicated

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Nobody's POV

Both have been trying to confess to each other for a week now. But they just didn't find the right time, were interrupted or they avoided confessing. Tomura can use his arms now freely and is currently working on his legs.

It's another Thursday afternoon when Shigaraki sat in the big garden far away from all the other patients. Toga visited him and they drank some tea together. Toga rambled about their missions, killing sprees and arsons the league has committed. But Tomura's mind wandered off to other places.

'How the fuck am I supposed to confess to a crusty burned bacon strip?? Like it's been hella awkward between us the last week...Ugh stupid fucking Dabi.. why him anyway' Tomura's clenched his fist which was under the table. And not visible for Toga who continued with a mouth full with cookies. 'It's not like I like his flirty way or those ocean blue eyes...fuck' the male caught himself thinking about him again.

Tomura sighed and laid his head on the table. "Is something wrong Tommy??" Toga asked as she noticed the male being this off. Tomura didn't answer in a while and then mumbled a short "Sorry". "No no tell me Tommy, you have been acting really weird the past week. Especially when Dabi is around or even when someone mentions his name." She stated and the light blue haired boy blushed.

His checks were covered with a pink shaded blush. As he tries to get an answer out of him but he failed horribly "I-I y-you ME?!" Toga smiled as she replied "Soo you do have something going on there...You have a crush on him, don't you??" Tomura shouted loud and with a higher voice "NO that's not true" then he looked away embarrassed.

She giggled and said "The way your voice sounds. The fact that your looking away tell me that you are obviously lying.." 'Ohh fuck me!!' Tomura thought. Then he took a deep breath. Toga looked at him like she wants to know the truth now "Well I might have a fallen a little bit for him.." I uttered and she screamed happily.

"When are you going to confess??" She screeched as she slammed her hands on the table making the male flinch in surprise. He looked down to his cup of tea and then answered "I have been trying for a while but I just couldn't find the right moment or I was interrupted by someone else... It's really complicated.." I sighed and laid my head in my arms trying to think straight.

Toga went silent for a moment and then she had the best idea, how to help Tomura. "Hey I could help you. I can take care of the other members so you guys won't be interrupted and bring Dabi here to your room." She smiled playfully. "Thanks bit still how will I do it and what if..." I paused for a moment "if he doesn't like me back and is disgusted by me and leaves me forever!!??" I cried out

"WELL if he does think your disgusting and leaves the league. Then the heroes will find his dead body in an empty street in the dirt the next day." She smiled psychological. The male looked at her and thanked her for her support.

"Now let's get you back to your room. I'll get Dabi and you're gonna confess, he says he fells the same way, you date, get married. And I will be the flower girl and later a proud aunt." She giggled at the thought of being a flower girl and aunt. Tomura bushed in a deep red and yelled "Don't get your hopes up to high..we don't even know if he actually likes me back."

"Then we'll have to find out" she shouted as she grabbed the wheelchair and ran to my room. "Your gonna kill us!!!" Tomura yelled at the high speed but he secretly enjoyed it. 'What if he says yes...I would be the happiest person on the whole planet..' he blushed happily and laughed as Toga speeded up the wheelchair.

When they stopped at his room Toga opened the door and helped him get on the bed since Tomura still needed a little bit of help with that. Toga also gave him some cookies to calm down. Then she left the room and the boy sat all alone on the bed.

He starred at the clock on the wall. Every minute felt like an hour off stress. 'I am so gonna fuck this up..!!' he thought and grabbed his blanket to hide in it. He wrapped it around his body and over his head to see only the somehow calming dark. The heat under the blanket increased to the point we're it was just uncomfortable.

Then the door opened and Shigaraki took the blanket off his head. Now that it is the only thing which isn't covered by the save blanket. Dabi walked slowly towards the bed examining the light blue haired boy on the bed. "Toga said that you wanted to talk about something... creep" Dabi muttered and paused for a second before adding the last part. 'What does he want from me?? Could it be...? No that would be to good, right?!' the raven-black haired guy thought as he stepped closer to the bed.

Shigaraki blushed slightly. He felt overwhelmed by the fact how awkward Toga just made this. 'Ohh fuck fuck fuck fuck!!" The smaller boy though to himself. "Well I just wanted to talk about something... serious!!" He answered hiding his red face under the blanket again.The taller male blushed slightly at the sight of the other one hiding 'It's now or never!! I have to do it now.. fuck everything else. I need to know if he likes me back or not!!' he breathed in before shooting his shot.

Dabi unwrapped Tomura's head with his right hand and held his face. He was holding it so that his cheeks squished between his thumb and index finger. Tomura turned into a deeper shade of red the moment Dabi touched his pale scared skin.

"Soo~ It might just be my gut but I feel like your not telling the truth Shiggy~" Dabi said in a flirty way. Tomura exploded in a tomato red and looked down turning his head slightly forward.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck that is not how I planned this to gooo!!' He thought as his long hair now hid his eyes and Dabi added "It's like you have some kind of crush~ on me". Just to put a cherry on the top he chuckled with his dark voice as the other male tried to form clear words in his mouth.

'Fuck it fuck it, just do it' the blue haired boy thought and opened his nearly dry mouth. "I do like you, you stupid burned piece of shit.." he responded looking down to wait for the other male to do a sadistic laugh or something like that. But that didn't come.

Infact Dabi sat there in shock, blushing even harder than he ever imagined he'd be able to. "You do??" He asked just to make sure he didn't misunderstood anything 'He wouldn't just admit that he likes me back..' But as the other male nodded and looked up he chuckled. Not a sadistic or a shaming one rather happy and relieved.

He softens his grip and pulled Tomura's head towards him. Then he whispered in the other male's ear. "You're lucky creep. I like you back. How about I come back at 4 and we'll go out~??" Dabi smirked and waited for and answer.

Tomura was so confused but at the same time pleased about Dabi's hot breath next to his ear. He just hummed a yes and then he felt how his hot breath going up to his forehead. The Dabi placed a soft warm kiss on his forehead, let go of his head and left the room waving as he closed the door.

Tomura's hand went up to his forehead and then he was hit with the realization 'He just said yes!!' He felt so incredibly happy and fulfilled about this. Then he remembered that he kissed my forehead. I blushed even harder if that was even possible at this point and grabbed my pillow to fall forward and scream in it. 'HE KISSED ME!!!!! AND ASKED ME OUT!! WAIT?? HE ASKED ME OUT!!!' I rolled around my bed only with my upper body off course but still.

His thoughts were all over the place but after 10 minutes of having a gay panic, he looked up and smiled dreamy. 'He likes me back even though I am a horrible person, a villain and we'll go on a date at 4.' I laughed innocently and hugged the pillow. My body felt so light and for the first time in a long time. I felt something else than the need to be perfect 24/7.

Meanwhile with Dabi who just walked out of Shigaraki's room.

After Dabi walked out of the room he imidently supported his body on the wall with one hand and grabbed his face with his other hand. He was just red. 'He said yes. I am so happy. This feeling is jumping around my whole body... I like it" I chuckled as I slit down the wall leaning against it hiding my face in my hands.

The I suddenly noticed a impatiently tapping on the ground. 'Ohh fuck..' I thought as I looked up. It was Natsuo who crossed his arms looking like he wanted an explanation for what the fuck happened. "Just a friend my ass!! You could have told me." I looked down slightly embarrassed "But I am just mad that you didn't tell me!! I am your little brother!! I wanted some hot tea!!" He sighed and then said "At least I have now some hot tea ready to be spilled!!" He stormed off dramatically and I chuckled "This little dramatic bitch!"

1681 words

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