Part 22: Affection

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Dabi's POV

I was shocked as I heard such words coming out of Tomura's mouth. I looked at him and then in his eyes. 'Such sad crimson red eyes. Is that the thing that bothered him all day long?' This breaks my heart. I turned towards him and began.

"Hey it's ok Tomura. Everyone feels useless once in a while. They feel like they belong nowhere and have no purpose or somewhere where they would find one." I looked in his eyes for a moment before continuing "You may be weak in the moment and that is completely okay. You can only become stronger in the future if you accept your past but that does not me you should forget it. Some mistakes need to be remembered so we won't do them again. Life is not easy but sometimes others can help you make it easier or more acceptable. Maybe you need the help of someone else now so you won't lose yourself in this void called life. Nobody can do everything on their own and nobody is born perfect. They made the best version of themselves with hard work, sacrifices, trust, love and the help of others. So don't worry, I will help you out Tomura~."

I hugged Tomura carefully as his eyes got red and watery (do you say it like that?). "T-Thank you" he sniffed as he started crying in my chest. His wet tears made my white shirt transparent. "It ok, let it all out...." I whispered softly in his ears. I rubbed his back in little circles and waited patiently for him to finish crying.

After a while his head lifted up and he rested it on my left shoulder. "You wanna go back to your room. You must be pretty exhausted after such an eventful second day back in our world."He nodded lightly as he took his head of my shoulder and looked into my eyes. It was a silent moment. These gorgeous crimson red eyes hypnotized me. I could even see a bit of my own ocean blue eyes in his pupil. Their intense but somehow still gentle stare in my soul. It almost felt like he was reading my mind as we starred into each others souls.

Rave interrupted the moment by meowing rudely loud. Maybe because she was hungry in the moment. We looked away blushing. 'This is embarrassing...bit what is this other weird feeling in my chest.. it's warm and all sparkly... I don't know how to describe it correctly but it's not unpleasant..'

I got up and walked behind him to push his wheelchair and the metal stick on rolls. Raven jumped into his lap and curled herself up in a black ball of fluff.

The walk back to Tomura's room was really quiet and awkward. As I opened the door of his room again my brother was waiting for us already. He had a pen and some paper on his little bedside table. The flowers were moved to the big window which was currently covered with curtains. It was already dark outside. 'I haven't noticed that it it is already this late' I looked over to the clock on the wall. It said 8:30 pm. 'Already this late...we must have spend a lot of time outside."Hey guys, you're finally back!!" Natsuo shouted as he looked up from his paper "Took you guys long enough...Do you want anything to eat Tomura??" He asked and yawned after that. Of course he covered his mouth with his right hand. "Yes please, I'm pretty hungry." Shiggy answered after a short while of thinking.

Nat' collected his paperwork and stood up "Hey To- I mean Dabi can you please lay Tomura back in his bed. Please bring the wheelchair in the corner. I'll be back in a second." "Sure but hurry up" I said placidly as I wrap my arms around Tomura, carefully so I won't break any of the tubes. Raven jumped of of him and walked around the room impatiently.

Shiggy suddenly uttered "What did he want to call you back then. It was To.. something right?!" I looked away in shock but replied almost imidently "You must have misunderstood something there Shiggy~. You're doubtless tired and exhausted." I smiled 'Please don't ask any further questions..' He nodded and took his eyes of of me.

Tomura didn't look at me the rest of the time. He only looked out the window or to the white wall. It felt like he could see something that I wasn't able to make out. I watched him quietly as we waited for Natsuo to come back.

He sure was skinny. His pale figure almost blended in with the white hospital coat/dress thing. His light blue hair was all messy but still seemed to fit him perfectly. It made me somehow calm and happy. 'It seems like being with him puts me in a good mood..'

The doctor walked back in with a bowl of warm soup, a spoon and a straw. I took the stuff and put it on the table. Natsuo fixed the machines and all the other stuff around him. He exhaled exhausted after that. "Go to bed Natsuo, you've been working very hard the last days and deserve a break. I'll take care off him from here." He nodded and replied "Don't forget to close the doors when you leave." Themn he exited the room.

When he left I took the bowl and the spoon to gesture him that I was going to feed him. He looked at the bowl and then away again. "I didn't sink that low.." he mumbled under his breath.I rolled my eyes, laid the spoon on the table to the straw and held the bowl to his lips gently. He opened his mouth slightly and started drinking the warm soup carefully.After he finished he licked a bit soup on the corner of his mouth away with his tongue. I placed the empty bowl to the other stuff on the table and helped Tommy to get comfortable in his bed. After a while he was asleep and I turned the lights off.

I left the dark room with Raven and gave Kurogiri a short call to 'pick me up'. Seconds later a portal opened which will probably lead me to my room since it's already pretty late.I stepped in the wrap gate

~Minecraft Netherportal teleporting noises~

When I entered my room the lights were still on. I decided to go to the kitchen first to eat something and feed Raven. She jumped around happily as we entered the kitchen. I have her her dinner on a small bowl and grabbed a glass of water and some bread for me.

We ate in the kitchen until Raven walked out of to the door which leads to our big garden. I knew that she wanted to go outside on a midnight trip and do cat stuff. I crouched down and whispered "Don't destroy anything in the garden ok??" She meowed and I opened the door and the cat flap. 'She will be back in around 2-3 hours.'

After she left I went back to my room. I got undressed and threw my clothes lazy on a stool. Except for my boxers of course. Then I went to brush my teeth in the bathroom. 'I'll shower tomorrow morning.' I thought as I fell into my bed.

But suddenly the warm sparkly feeling creeped up again. 'What is this feeling.. it's annoying but at the same time it's.... pleasant and nice..Who should I ask about this?? Definitely not Spinner or Compress, they know nothing about such feelings. And Magne, Toga and Kurogiri can't help me either. Toga would most likely scream and run around the house...but who else do I have to talk toooooooo' A face popped up in my head.

I was unpleased at first to ask her but then I decided that it was posssibly the best to see her again. 'To think about it, I haven't seen her in years...Soo I will go visit her tomorrow to ask for her advice.'

I then fell asleep in an easy but still deep sleep.

Shiggy's POV (Back at the hospital before the soup)

It was weird. How his beautiful blue eyes confused me and had me in trapped at the same time. 'What was this feeling I felt back was calm but strong. I think I like it but I'm not sure. I can ask someone else about it....this warm feeling in my chest and stomach. But who...I never got this kind of affection from anybody. I mean I got affection from Kurogiri but this is different..'I starred at the wall for some time going through my options and deciding that Kurogiri is the safest one. 'He knows me since my childhood, if he can't help me then I don't know who can..'

1501 words

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