Part 47: The question

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Dabi's POV 

I was laying in bed. I felt happy. It somehow made me incredibly happy that Eri called me dad. After this she of course asked a lot of questions, where the others and papa are and why I am here. My heart almost melted at the thought of her accepting us as her parents. I later brought her to bed and then went to our bedroom.

I rolled to the side and closed my eyes trying to sleep. It somehow didn't work, I was missing something. Something very special. 'Ugh' I buried my head in the pillow. I got up and walked to the closet pulling out the hoodie. I sniffed it taking in the familiar scent of my lover. 

I went back to the bed after placing the hoodie back in the closet. My mind wandered of to Shigaraki 'I wonder how is he doing. Sleeping in the woods? In a tree or on the ground?' I sighed and hugged myself. 'Now I'm fucking sad!' I turned again in the bed. 'Maybe if I imagine him here...' I closed my eyes.

I couldn't sleep the entire night. The only times I could find peace was when I thought about Shiggy in my arms. I felt bad for not protecting and warming him now, but he would be okay with me taking care of Eri...and besides that I also have to prevent his future death to the doctor's machines. 

After I got up at 9am with around 4 hours of sleep. It was hard to even move. I just felt so finished from whatever was going on with me. I pulled out some clothing for me which were a black shirt and a pair of appropriate pants. I skipped brushing my teeth since I had no motivation to do that now. So I decided to make myself some breakfast to start the day before I'll go and 'hangout' with that bird hero.

As I made my way to the kitchen I was stopped by a fast pace of footsteps following me. I turned around to see Eri walking behind me already dressed and holding the small Oversmall. In the front pocket of her red dungarees was Raven just sitting in it, enjoying not having to walk. She had a white shirt with long sleeves under the red fabric. "Breakfast?" She asked with her soft voice. I gave her a half nod. 

She sprinted the last bit we were away from each other and took my hand. Hers was way smaller than mine so she held three of my fingers. 'Adorable.' I continued now our walk to the kitchen. "So what would you like to eat?" It was silent for a moment but then Eri giggled "Cereal." I nodded "Great, and after breakfast?" 'Let's see what she's been doing while I was away.'

The young girl started "Well after breakfast I usually feed Oversmall but most of the time Big Sis helps me with that," 'Understandable.' "Then I watch my favorite show and after that I draw." 'Alright, sounds like a chill forenoon.' "Then I sometimes play with Big Sis but since she has been busy with her voice training I play with Raven." I hummed but then a question popped up in my head.

"Don't you meet your friends?" Just right after I finished the question I noticed how stupid I sounded 'Wow really Dabi. She was with Overhaul most of her life so I doubt that she was in kindergarten or a preschool.' Then I heard her voice again "Well I do have some friends here. Like Ki-chan and Kyoko." 'Wait, how?' "How did you meet them?" I questioned her.

"Well during trick-or-treating on Halloween. I also met some other guys named Razor and Bennett but they are not from here." She paused for a second "I wonder what they are doing right now." I almost choked on my own breath knowing that they are most likely in school. It made my heart sink knowing that Eri isn't with her friends and has to spend her time in such a big house with absolutely nothing. 

I swallow my own saliva and answered "Me too. Me too." I looked down to her and let out a sigh. 'Poor girl. But what can I do....wait I CAN do something...not entirely legal but still.' I brushed my free fingers against her hand. She let go of my hand to sprint to the cupboard and points up to the highest shelf.

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