Part 57: Crushing them pt. 1

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Nobody's POV

As Tomura and the rest looked around they found the city under them. It wasn't too big or two small. The light blue haired man looked down and gave a scoff. He then heard another teleporting sound next to them, he turned his head to see the black haired man he called his lover with them. 

"Dabi!!" a high pitched Toga voice screeched as the girl jumped to him. The man evaded her jump as he gave a low "Good to see you two blood sucker." he looked around until his ocean blue eyes met Tomura's crimson ones. He gave him a small soft look and a small wave. "How you doing creep? You look horrible~"

The leader rolled his eyes "I know asshole, and you still look like a burnt abortion." he knew they couldn't show too much affection since they were in enemy territory. The scarred man gave a low huff as he made his way over to slap his shoulder. He gave a whispered "Missed ya too." the light haired man just shoed his boyfriend away. "Focus, stapleface!" he gave a low hiss but they both saw it as rather playful. 

Twice muttered meanwhile "I like the atmosphere of this place. It makes me mad!" Mr. Compress informed them "The giant will wake up in 1 hour and 40 minutes. So if we want to foment Machia on them we'd have to fight now. Which could be rather hard, I think." he placed his white mask with black strips on his face. 

Dabi already gave a bored look. The flame villain would rather train with the doctor to get his new quirks to function, or at least one of them, than to hang out with them and save Giran. But he guessed that it would be an alright training as well. Twice gave a huff as he wanted to say something but then they heard noises. 

Dabi, Toga and Spinner drew their weapons, in Dabi's case igniting his flames, as they looked over to the spot. Tomura just turned his head since he was rather tired and if there would be a threat it was most likely a small one. But he did lift his hand up just in case.

"Wait! I was sent here to show you the way!" Spinner gave a weird look as he whispered "A hero...but I don't know him..." The hero in the purple suit with a green cape gave a thumb up "If you want to speak to the leader of the Meta Liberation Army please follow me!" He spoke enthusiastically. Everyone looked at Tomura for a second, the man gave a small nod. 

After a while after following the sliding hero into the city the League looked around. Tomura who was walking behind the hero gave a grunt. Mr. Compress stated the obvious truth "No one is here." the light haired man looked around, he spotted another hero on a roof top. "Mhm..." 'I see...' he was interrupted "That's right!" he lifted his head up. The hero made some kind of motion with his hand to his face but the leader couldn't see it.

A man in a black suit with a black coat and tie spoke. Behind him was a blue skinned woman with pastel purple hair. She wore rather modern clothing "This is Deika city." the hero slid away as he gave a bow revealing the group. "This liberated district has with the heroes included around 90% liberation warriors. Welcome and thank you for coming so far to see us. Today is a memorable day with you as our special guests. Now shall be start the Meta Liberation Army reveal party?" he ended his small speech. 

He snipped and people swarmed out of every corner of the city giving war screams. Mr. Compress jumped away from a small group. "So they really do have 110,000 fighters." Tomura gave a growl "Apparently!" Twice on the other hand dodged an explosion talking to the black haired man in glasses and suit. "We're here! So where is Giran!" The man gave a smug smile "You're talking about the broker, he waits for you with our grand commander." he points behind him to a big tower. 

"Wait what!? We were supposed to come here and get Giran, you shitbag!" Tomura gave an annoyed groan 'Looks like another miniboss.' he was in his squatted position again as he evaded an attack while people ran at him screaming his name. His eyes checked the surroundings instantly as he made a swift movement going through the four or more people decaying them. 'How annoying...anyways let's get to the tower and finish this level.' 

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