Part 32: Infiltation of the Shie Hassaikai part 2

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Toga's POV

Twice and I followed the white guy around. The only thing I heard were our footsteps and breathing. It was incredibly awkward. 'I need to find a way to befriend this guy or at least not make him wanna kill me...' So I tried to make small talk to him or rather start a conversation. 

"Sooo and who are you? I am Toga, Himiko Toga. Nice to meet you!!" I chirped in my nice little girl voice. The guy didn't seem to be bothered at all, but after a couple seconds he replied "Chronos. You can call me Chronos." "Alright Chrony!!" I yelled my answer "It's Chronos!!" He said with an angry tone in his voice.

I huffed, but refused to let an angry 'Meanie!!' escape my mouth. 'Well, at least I know the guy's name now. But hopefully the other members are a little bit nicer. If not then this will be waaaaay more uncomfortable that I thought!! Making friends with people who are not in the League, is generally hard." 

We continued walking around the tunnels, until we stopped in front of a wall. Chronos seemed to tap the wall five times, and then whisper something. Then a hole opened in the wall, big enough to easily pass through it. "Come, we can't let them wait." Chronos explained, because we were just standing on the other side in confusion. 

"Alrighty!!" I jumped through the entrance, and Twice followed me looking around him. We continued our trip until we were at a wooden door. "Chisaki and the other members are inside." He exhaled and opened the door.

We now stood in front of the whole gang. On the couch sat Chisaki, on the right side next to the couch stood Chronos. On the right little wooden arm rest sat a little black guy. On the left side stood a blond guy in a black robe and a brown mask. Behind the couch on the very left side stood a big muscle guy with a black mask. 'He is probably really strong!' In the middle was a guy in a black clothes and a cool black hat. A person with long black hair and a white hospital dress like thing stood on the right of cool hat guy. 

A trio stood on the right side of the couch behind Chronos 'They are standing very close together, they must be good friend.' One was a tall bald man, smaller than big guy on the left but still taller than the rest. He wore a white face mask and a black shirt. Slightly in front of him was a blond man with a red tie, a black mask green shirt. A guy with a cloth over his head was the last one in the trio. He also wore a purple shirt. 

In the right corner sat a gigantic guy. He was was meatier that the guy in the left corner. He had a black mask and gigantic arms, but his head was surprisingly small. 

"HII!! I'm Toga. It's nice to meet you!!" I yelled with my high pitched voice. Twice said "Long time no see, bird man. You annoy me. I am looking forward to working with you!!" He swung his arms around. 'What a good start!' I wanted to roll my eyes but then remembered Shiggy's words. 'I need to play nice.....just for the moment'

"Keep it up." Chisaki answered and the big guy added "You are from the League?" I simply nodded. "Cool let's fight!!" He punched the air with his hands. "Rappa, no!" The guy in the black robe and brown mask demanded. 

Chisaki continued "Now that we decided to work together, I want you to assist us to carry out our plans." Twice retorted "You are just keeping up a good image, just like when we first met!!  What do you want us to do?" To my surprise Kai calmly replied "I want you guys to follow my orders like the rest of the Hassaikai." 'He is surprisingly's somehow calming that he seems to get along with Twice's two personalities just fine...'

"Now I would like to know your quirks, so we can work better together." I spoke up "I will tell you guys when you need to know. I don't trust you.." Suddenly the little black guy hissed "You should just tell us!!" Overhaul silenced him "Mimic!! Now-" Before he could continue Twice blurted "No no no it's nasty!!" 

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