Part 4: Consequences and solutions

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Ok, I'm back and let's continue this mess of a story.

Dabi's POV

I walked to the bar and Toga followed close behind me. 'What did she made him wear to piss him off like that? And he's even drunk so his moods are gonna be extreme.' Suddenly Toga grabbed my arm and looked to the ground as if she wanted to confess something.

"Sooooo Dabi." She started "Since we are going to get Tomura out of my room, we might need this." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a little silver key. Then she looked up to me.

I looked down at the key and responded "That's not your key, isn't it?" She started playing with her skirt with one hand and said silently "Well, I might have locked him up in my room and gave him quirk cancelling gloves he can't get off." She looked down sadly "I'm sorry" she whispered.

'Oh my goodness, what did you do!? Well first I gotta calm her down a bit before we go and look after that bitch.'

"Well I come with you so you won't be alone, but you need to learn that you can't force someone to do something they don't want. And especially Tomura since he has some problems like we all do. So you'll have to apologize to him, even if it was a joke. You need to find a solution for this problem yourself Toga. I'll just be there to support you." I finished and she looked relieved.

'Looks like my big brother instinct kicked in. I'm getting more attached to these people than I would want to'

I grabbed the key out of her hand. And slipped it in my own pocket. I continued my walk to hell and Toga followed me happier than before. We walked in the right floor and then upstairs to where our rooms are.

"Tooogaaa get me out of here so I can fucking kill you!!!" A really angry Tomura screamed. Toga yelled back "We're gonna let you out, but first I gotta do something." We walked in front of the door which I assumed is hers.

"Toga, who the fuck is we?!" Came from the other side of the door. This time he didn't sound pissed but rather scared. "It's just me crusty, patchwork." I answered. It was silent for a moment but then Toga spoke up "Well I have to apologize to you Tommy. I have not treated you as a human being but rather as my dress up doll. I'm really sorry ok. Please don't kill me when I open the door okie??!" She wimperd the last part.

"Open the door and say that to my face Bloodsucker!" Tomura said competitive. 'Oh boy' I sighed, pulled the key out of my pocket and handed it to Toga. "Like I said earlier you're gonna have to do that yourself" I whispered to her. She grabbed the key and put it in the lock. She breathed in a last time before unlocking and opening the door.

In the room was Tomura. He wore the outfit from Toga. My eyes scanned Tomura and Togas weird outfit 'He looks actually good when you compare it to the oversized hoodie and black baggie jeans he usually wears.'

"Now I showed you the outfit and you can calm down now and also I accept your apology. But you gotta pay me back in some way or another in the near future." Tomura said as he turned off the light and stepped in the darkness of the room, probably to hide himself. "Also what happened to patchwork?? He looks really messed up" "I just fell in the kitchen while arguing with Kurogiri."

"Oh, I just remembered something. When Twice and I were at the mall buying stuff for Tommy, we also brought some stuff for Dabi. I thought it would be good because you only walk around in those old jeans. The nearly destroyed coat and an old white shirt. Soo Tommy please watch him and I go grab the bag!!" She announced

"What!? Since when am I involved in your dress up game?!" I yelled. Toga explained "I actually wanted to give you the clothes at the same time as Tommy, but you were already in the kitchen. It would have been suspicious if I asked both of you to stay back." I opened my mouth to say something but she interrupted me "You said you would help me!!" "Ugh fine" 'Why did I agree to such a stupid plan but again she would have given the clothes to me anyway'

She walked away to get the bag with my clothes. After she left I felt really uneasy. I felt like I was being watched. I turned to Toga's room and saw Tomura's crimson eyes watch every slightly movement I made. 'I swear his eyes are glowing in the dark!?' I thought while starring in his blood red eyes. The eyes were watching me emotionless.
'It's chilling that I can't let my eyes of him.'

We just stood there in silence for the entire time, starring in each others eyes. I heard Toga coming our way so I broke the eye contact with Tomura. 'Let's see how bad it is.' I thought as I turned her way.

"Here Dabi your bag. You can go to your room and change. We'll wait in the bar for you, ok?" "Yeah sure. But I'll change back right after you see it!!" "That's fine as long as Tommy sees it and is satisfied." "You made me sound like some kind of pervert!!" Tomu yelled out of the dark. I ignored them and walked to my room and closed the door.

I switched the lights on and opened the bag. 'Let's see what she got for me' I pulled some black ripped jeans, a chain which is probably supposed to be a necklace, a white long sleeved shirt, a black baggie T-shirt, chains which are ment as belts, some basic silver rings and a dragon ring out of the bag. 'Ahh I know where your going with this. I am really surprised that you have such a good taste Toga.' There were also a new coat and gothic boots in the back but I don't need them now.

I changed into my new clothes and choose the dragon ring and looked in the mirror
'Damn, I look sick. My old clothes are nothing compared to this.' I proudly opened my door and started walking down stairs and into the bar.

Toga's POV

Tommy and I sat in the bar and he seemed to be way to focused on the door which leads to the hall with the stairs. 'He doesn't know it yet but Dabi's outfit is special too.' I giggled at that thought.

Finally we could her someone or better Dabi walk down the stairs and the louder his steps got the more excited I got. As he opened the door Tomura just straight up starred at him and Dabi seemed to return that favor.

'Ahhh I can't hold it in any longer' "What do you think about my matching disguises?!" 'Pfew that was a short cut. I nearly said to much' Tomura looked at me confused
"Now you two have disguises, so you can go in public without anyone knowing that you are villains. You're just going to need some wigs and sunglasses, for Dabi a mask and you'll look like some secret celebrities."

Dabi sighed "Who would have thought that you are actually smart Toga?!" "What the asshole said" Tommy agreed "I was always smart!!!" I yelled back.

"I'm gonna change back now." Tomura responded as he stood up and walked past Dabi in the darker hall. "Me too. But I'll have to say you found a good solution for this problem. Good job Toga!!" I was very happy about Dabis compliment, but I gotta give some credits to Twice for helping me choose the outfits.

~some time later~

Kurogiri and Twice came through a purple black portal in the bar. "Ohh you guys are back. Did you get all the stuff you needed" I asked curiously. "Yes we did get the exact type of alcohol we needed. Judging by the silence you and Dabi have successfully calmed Tomura down, right?!" "You did good you suck Toga!!!" "Yeah we calmed him down. Both of them are now in their rooms, probably sleeping" I giggled. Kurogiri sighed "I guess we can call it a day now, it's already late so go to bed on time. And please take Twice with you. I'll have to bring the alcohol in the kitchen and do some other stuff, ok?" "Yeah yeah sure" I grabbed Twice and he fought for a brief moment against me but we walked in the hall to get ready for bedtime.

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I guess I should stop here. Next we'll have the kidnapping.

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