Part 10: Raven

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So enjoy this new chapter.

Dabi's POV

It's been like half an hour since I walked around the streets aimlessly. The dark alleys were full with trash, boxes, mud and they were smelling awful. 'I can't go anywhere near the center of the city without a disguise. The heroes would recognize me instantly because of my scars. And the last thing I need is to get captured' I walked past a guy in a box who was asleep. "The heroes don't give two fucks about him or others like him. How pathetic are they?!" I whispered. I kicked a empty cane around and then kicked it in a window. It shattered and I ran away when I heard someone start yelling. 'I pray that they didn't see me. I would get in so much trouble!'

I decided to go to the junkyard I spended 6 months of my life in. I walked the way to familiar way to it. 'Everything still looks the same.' I thought as I entered it. 'Let's see if my little shelter is still there' I climbed over one old red car and walked under some wood planks help in a little room with four blankets and three cups. 'I used to store water, if I found some'. There were also some plates and my empty backpack from the day I ran away. It's actually not empty but full with empty black hair dyes. I sat down on one blanket and leaned against the wall. It started to rain 'Ohh just the right time'
I closed my eyes and relaxed. 'This is nice!'
I then remembered something from my past.

When I was still with my family and my mother was still at home. We had some talks with my parents and me and my siblings were begged for a pet. My brother wanted a turtle, Fuyumi a mouse and I a snake. Shoto wasn't old enough to take part in the discussion since he was only 3 years old. My parents got really annoyed after a while, so they just went to the pet store and got us a cat. They told us the other animals were to much work or expensive. At first I wasn't so found of them until one day.

I came in my room after training with my dad. I was really badly wounded and got the bandages and medicine for me. I patched myself up and laid on the bed. I broke down and started crying. Peanut came into my room, climbed on the bed, and crawled on my feet. "What do you want Peanut?" I sniffed. As soon as I looked Peanut climbed my leg up and licked my scars gently. Then they hung onto my neck and started purring. It was so relaxing and calming "Thanks Peanut" I stroked their fur and we just relaxed until we fell asleep.

I woke up from my daydream. I got up and stretched myself 'Ahh that was nice'. My thoughts went back to the sleeping light blue haired male immediately. 'I need to get back!' I walked out of my shelter and past the red cars. 'Ugh it's still raining and I don't have an umbrella.' I remembered that I still had an old hoodie in my shelter. I went back to the shelter. 'I'm so glad that I bought an extra big one.'

When I wanted to pick it up I heard a shuffling and an angry meow. "What do we have here??" I pep talked the animal. When I pulled it out or the hoodie and it was a small black kitten. It looked kinda beat up and weak. "Looks like the heroes didn't care about you either." I took one of the blankets and wrapped it gently around it. "You wanna go home??" I asked it and put it to my chest. 'Maybe we can adopt her. Maybe Shigs likes cats. Maybe she can help him like Peanut helped me.' I smiled, not a shit eating grin or something like this rather a warm little genuine smile.

We walked out of the shelter and pulled my hood over my head and exited he junkyard. I walked in the alleys again and walked past the homeless man again. I sighed, wrapped the kitten out of the blanket and laid it over the guy. "Tch how pathetic" The kitten laid for the last 5 minutes in my warm hands. When I opened the door the kitten woke up and meowed. "We're at home. I'll take care of you now." I closed the door behind me and sprinted to my room so I won't walk into the other members. That would totally ruin my bad boy image. 'I mean it's gonna be ruined later, when they find out. But still I want to keep up my bad boy image as long as possible!!'

I laid the kitten gently in the sink and got some alcohol, ointment and bandages out of the cupboard. I searched the kittens body for severe wounds, lucky I found none, only small scars. I bathed it carefully with warm water and some soap to get all the dirt out of its fur. It swam happily around in the sink. 'So you like water. That's good, bathing you won't be so hard then.' When I dried its fur the kitten seemed to like the warm air. It's dried and clean fur was really fluffy. The kitten hissed a bit when I treated it's wounds and glared at me with poison green eyes. 'Just like crusty when I make fun of him again'. I then picked it up from the sink and stuffed it carefully in my hoodie pocket.

I walked in the kitchen with both of my hands in the pockets. I opened the fridge and got myself a cane of coke and some ham for the kitten. I slipped the piece in my hoodie pocket and let the kitten eat it. 'I'm going to buy proper cat food later for it. This will have to do for now' I walked unconsciously in the direction of the Shiggy's rooms and opened the door silently. He was still asleep and curled in the blanket. I laid the kitten next to him and it cuddled his side and fell asleep 'He looks a little bit like the kitten. His slightly curly hair even looks a little bit fluffy now' I petted the kitten one last time and walked out of the room.

I walked in my own room and looked for the disguise Toga brought us. I stripped off my old clothes and got into the new ones. I looked in the mirror and noticed my scars. I opened a drawer and pulled out some a mask. 'It'll do.' I sighed. I looked for my wallet on my desk. When I found it I looked if I had enough money for cats supplies. 'I have three off Endeavors credit cards, that'll do.' I closed it and put it in one of my pockets.

I shuffled in the bar and saw Kurogiri polish a glass. "Hey Kurogiri can you open a portal to the mall, please?" "Since when are we so formal?" he said as he looked at me "Are you gonna do it or do I have to walk?" I hissed. "Ok, but do not hiss at me again!" "Whatever!!" I stepped through the violet black portal.

The mall was really busy. There was just a sea of people pushing each other around. 'Ugh' I walked to the pets shop and bought some stuff we are going to need. A blue collar, some food for kittens under a year, some plates, a little bell for the collar, a cat toilet and the stuff you put in it (or however you call these things). 'I'm gonna purchase the rest online. It doesn't need a cat bed, it can sleep with me' I payed around 250 dollars for everything.

When I was out of the shop and somewhere with less people I gave Kurogiri a call. "Hey, I'm finished. Teleport me to hand man's room" I grunted. "Ok, just wait a moment" he hung up. When I walked through the portal I was in Shiggy's room as promised. 'Looks like both of them are still sleeping. So I can get the stuff ready.'

I unpacked all the stuff and connected the bell with the collar. I pulled the kitten out of crusty's blanket cave and pulled the collar around it. I laid it back in gently and placed the other stuff. The plates in the kitchen, the food in one of the cupboards. The toilet near the new basement.

As soon as I finished I walked back to handyman's room. When I shuffled to his bed to get the kitten, he woke up. 'Wait this isn't supposed to happen. What were you even thinking Dabi when you laid it to Shig?? Was I even thinking or did that just happened unconsciously?!' I blushed out of embarrassment.

He was surprised at first but accepted the kitten pretty fast "So what's her name?" He asked as he stroke her fur. "Come again?" I asked surprised "You didn't name her?!" he responded. "Looks like I forgot, so do you want to name her??" I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "What do you think about Raven, because of her black fur?" he whispered "Sounds good too me!!" I answered 'So you will be Raven. Then welcome to the family Raven.'

1571 words

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