Part 33: Taking out the trash

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Double chapter because I wrote more than planned 

Toga's POV 

It was super early, it was like 7am. I seriously can't think of any normal and sane person who would wake up that early. Anyways Chronos showed us the base yesterday, he explained that they were in the making of a special bullet. I already knew about that so I tried to get some more information out of him. So these bullets are made from a quirk, I bet it's Eri's quirk. Also it took Chisaki a whole month to make five working bullets. 'It is disgusting thinking that he used Eri's body with her quirk to make some bullets.' I walked down the hall to meet up with the Shie Hassaikai with Twice. 

To my surprise the whole Shie Hassaikai was there. "Sooo why did we gather here?" I asked. Kai came into the room "The police are outside. I think they have discovered that this is our headquarters. Now we will line our defense." 

He started giving everyone a job that they have to do, including me and Twice. After he finished he stood up and left the room with Chronos. "Come on Twicy let's go!!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. He already made a copy of Rappa who followed us. 

We walked around the base waiting for the attack to begin. I happily jumped around the halls 'If everything goes according to Overhaul's plan, they should be here in 5 to 10 minutes. But we know our heroes and the others will fight until death to beat Chisaki. But they are not going to kill him, because heroes don't do that. So they'll catch him and probably send him so a police station, then the League will catch his van and we'll have our sweet revenge.' 

Suddenly the walls and ground stared moving and turning "It started- AHHH WE NEED TO RUN!!" Twice screamed but I could hold his arm before he would run of. "Hey Twice, I have an idea." He looked at me with a curious look. "How about we split up for a while? You and Rappa go for the heroes and I will do it on my own. I know it's probably dangerous but if you need help I promise that I will find you, ok?" he nodded and went the other way to find the heroes. 

I silently walked around the concrete halls for a while until everything suddenly started grumbling under my feet and around me. A fell through a tunnel and landed uncomfortable on concrete. Then I heard a voice. It was male and rather darker. I sneaked to the source of the noise and saw a hero. 

He had darker skin and locks on his shoulders and a green suit. Before I could attack him the walls started moving again and I fell again 'Ugh not again! What is going on anyways.." As I landed on the hard ground again, the walls closed and I was captured in a box like room. But the other lock guy was still there. "Hey are you guys ok?!" He talked to the wall and I took the moment of distraction to pull out a knife and jump at him. 

I covered his mouth and stabbed the guy in the side. He fell on the ground. I took of my clothes quickly and threw them in a corner away from here. Then I took a sip of his blood. "Hey are you okay?" A voice said from the other side "I'm fine now don't worry." "Step away from the wall, we are coming!" The voice replied and I stepped away.

Only a moment later Izuku crashed the wall. 'Izuku is here!!' I crouched down to the body and said "I meet a copy of myself.  Luckily, I could put it down. We have to be careful." A male in black came in the room and investigate the body. I walked over to Midoriya and asked "Are you okay Midoriya?" He nodded "Yes,  but we need to go after Chisaki's-" 

I pulled out a knife from behind and tried to stab him. His eyes squinted for a second and his entire face filled with fear. Then suddenly my quirk deactivated and I was in my normal naked body. "Himiko Toga!!" He yelled. 

"Yeah, It's Toga!! I swung my knife but he dodged it. "You remember me!!" I swung my knife again. "I'm so happy to see you again!!" But before I could stab him I felt a cloth around my body. The cloth pulled me closer to the black man. 

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