Part 13: The get together

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Nobody's POV

Toga walked around the mansion bored. It has been 2 days since the kidnapping and her classes are pretty boring. Toga can't keep the act up longer because Ochaco's classmates are already getting suspicious. So either they get Ochaco to join them or at least never talk about the kidnapping.

She walked to Ochaco's room and knocked on her door. Nothing. She knocked a second time and yelled "Oca please open the door. I just wanna talk to someone. I'm sooooo bored!!"

On the other side of the door

Ochaco laid on the new bed her blanket wrapped around her. She was still scared even though only Toga talked to her. 'What do they want from me!!!' She looked up when she heard knocking but kept silent. Toga yelled a response and she seemed to sit in front of the door now. The girl jumped of the bed and shuffled to the door carefully. She sat at the door and finally answered.

"H-Hey Toga". "Finally you answered, I was getting bored." Toga giggled. "So how is it here? Do you like your room? Is the food good or do I have to kill someone?" "Thanks Toga the rooms are nice and the food is good, but I miss my friends." "Then we can be your new friends if you want to. They might seem scary but all of them have a heart of gold." Toga responded while tapping on the door with her nails. "But you attacked me and Tsu at the summer camp and the others probably hurt my friends and classmates!?" Ochaco cried out. "There's no need to cry Ocha, Shiggy had forbidden us to kill anyone. We're not soooo bad guys!!" Toga said calmly. "And no one forces you to come out but if you wanna talk about girls stuff then my phone number is on your bedside table. And by the way, can you please tell me what kind of shampoo you use. It smells really good!!" "Huuh oh I use peach dream from golden hair salon" "Thanks Oca, I'll write that on my shopping list." Toga stood up and walked away.

Ochaco kept leaning at the door while bitting her finger nails. 'What should I do?? I want to go back but I'm sure they won't let me. And even if they will they would force me to never mention anything about this. And why is Toga acting so nice and like a normal girl. She's a psycho!!' Ochaco was confused, she didn't know what to do, this was just too much for her.

Suddenly an idea popped up in her head 'What if I get close to one of them like Toga and then they may let me go without any hard consequences. Maybe they trust me enough that I can secretly tell Tsu or Deku about it.'

The brown haired girl sprinted to her phone and pulled out Toga's number. She tipped it in and opened the texting app.


Hey it's Ochaco.
Can I ask you something

Of course 😌
What do you want to know 🤔

How are the other members
of the league?

Soo you want to meet them🥺

I guess, you told me they are nice
guys so maybe I can give them a chance

We can play a fun game
Wait for a moment
I get the keys ☺️

'She acts a little bit like Mina. Always energetic.' Ochaco though and got of the bed.

Toga ran to the stairs and jumped them happily up. She sprinted to Ochaco's room and meet Magne half way. "Hey girl!! Ochaco wants to meet the league. Wanna come get her!!" Toga giggled with her high pitched voice. "Of course, I want to know a new sister!!" The both raced to Ochaco's room.

Toga grabbed the key of the table after she won and unlocked the door. When she opened it Ochaco was sitting on the bed. "Oh my GOD she is so adorable!!" Magne screamed as she looked at her once. Ochaco seemed pretty surprised "That is Big Sis Magne. She's the nicest person you'll ever meet. She's also my shopping partner!!" Toga giggled. Ochaco calmed down and introduced herself

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka, it's nice to meet you." Magne looked at her suspiciously and said "Girl I hope you know that we can't let you out like THIS!?" She pointed at her baggie T-shirt and jeans. "We HAVE to change that!!" She turned to Toga "Sister you know that ADORABLE pink dress we brought yesterday!!" "Yeah of course the expensive, adorable pink dress!!" Toga yelled happily. "Get that one girl. Uraraka san is going to wear that. I'll do her hair while you get the dress. And tell the others to dress up too!!" "Sure Big Sis!!" Toga sprinted out and closed the door behind her.

While Toga was telling the whole gang to dress nicely for Ochaco and a game, Magne sat Ochaco on a chair in front of a big mirror. "So girl, why did you decide that you want to get to know us after being silent for 2 days??" She asked as she started to brush Ochaco's hair softly.

Ochaco though for a moment before answering "Well, Toga told me you are nice people and I thought that I could give you a second chance even though your villains." Magne smiled a bit but looked down at herself for a brief moment. "You know that we have a reason to be villains, right? We don't do this for fun or because we are bored."

Ochaco looked at Magne though the mirror and she continued while braiding her brown hair on the left of her head. "Most of us are villains because the society which was created by the hero system has wronged us or hurt us." She took a pink band from the table. "Most of us don't like to talk about our past because of that we don't purely judge people based on their actions or behavior." She made a bow in her hair that finishes the look.

Ochaco look at Magne "I'm sorry for not understanding the bigger picture!" She said. "It's ok, most people don't, but it's good if some do and change their actions. 'I didn't even know this. How many flaws does the hero system have?? Can I even call myself a hero when I didn't even try to save them??' Ochaco though confused.

Toga slammed the door open holding a pink dress "I found it!!" She walked to Ochaco and handed her the dress. "Here you can change in the bathroom." Ochaco nodded and walked in the big bathroom.

While she changed Toga asked Magne "And how is she? So you like her?" Magne responded "She's a good person, she tries to change and see the things out of our point of view. I like her!!" "Me too!!" Toga giggled happily. They talked about Ochaco and how the others may react to her while waiting for her to come out.

Then the bathroom door opened and Ochaco walked out. The pink dress suited her perfectly. It was knee length with some stitched black roses. The sleeves were really short and black roses were on the decolte. "You look amazing!!" Toga giggled "I bet the others will think the same" Magne added.

They all walked out of the room and for the first time Ochaco saw the other side of her door. 'The mansion is so beautiful and comfortable.' she thought as they walked down a hall and some stairs to reach the bar area and she was really surprised when she saw the other members.

A gecko like guy sat on a barstool with a mask guy and the hat guy who kidnapped Bakugo and they played happily Uno. Kurogiri was behind the bar giving out drinks and polishing glasses. Everything seemed so peaceful until two guys walked into the bar fighting. One of them hold a black kitten.

Tomura yelled "Well I don't have a single fuck to give about your fucking opinion!!" Dabi followed close behind him "I found Raven so she obviously belongs to me!!" "But she seems to like me way more than a burnt toast like you!!" he snickered "Don't make me fucking laugh. Just look at your crusty face, lips and your glowing red eyes. She has no fucking reason to like you, you didn't even wash her or, feed her." "Well I pet her!" Tomura answered as he sat down on a chair. "Wasn't it you who wanted me to take her away because this bitch was to busy working?!" Dabi snickered and sat down on an armchair too.

Toga came in between the fighting Dabi and Tomura. "Why don't you both take care off her. She needs two parents not just one." Both of them looked at her weirdly but said nothing. "So now that we are all here, let's play a game so we can get to know each other better!!" She sat down on the carpet and everyone else joined her. Kurogiri supervised them to stop them if things got out of hands.

1529 words

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