Part 59: Crushing them pt. 3

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A/n: I have writing sucks since I actually do have a LOT of time right now. But fuck that right. Fucking hobo ass bitch motivation.

Nobody's POV:

As Twice was no longer near the magician continued fighting on his own. He knew that in the position he was in there was no way he could spare any energy to look for the man. He was barely surviving himself.

On the other hand Dabi had quite the hard time with the person he was fighting. He would curse the operation but how could've the man known. Now he was fighting against this clearly stronger one with an exhausted body and an ass quirk. He gave a groan as he backed away for a second to get a better look over the destroyed battlefield.

Everything around them seemed totally destroyed and taken apart. Be it a small store, tree or the floor. The intense smell of melting concrete, burning plastic and wood was biting him. He gave a groan as he really despised the smell already. His electric blue eyes moved around examining the surroundings.

He jumped backwards creating a flame in front of him as the soldier came out of nowhere again. After he evaded that attack successfully he grabbed a part of his arm that burnt like fire. He cursed under his breath.

He was sure that he had somewhat reached his limit. He knew he needed to either recharge and let his body cool down or end it really quick. He looked up to the attacker again as he taunted "Your ice is almost gone. Doesn't look that good for you now, does it?" He shook his arm as he still watched them, not daring to step closer.

It were these moments where he wished that he wasn't the only person with ranged attacks. But neither Shiggy nor Spinner could've helped him out there. Mostly because neither were there and he knew that his lover was already at his limit with how horrible he looked. The Leader may not have shown it but the man could look through his defense.

He growled as he prepared for another attack. He hated how he was on the defensive side now. As he jumped past some ice thrown at him, trying to avoid using his self destructive quirk he heard yelling behind him.

He turned to see the magician struggling "If you have some time and strength could you help me over here!!" He yelled and now the flame villain saw in what a bad condition he was. Despite that he gave a short "Why me?"

To this the other could only complain "Really?! Can you stop being such an ass for a second?!" The fact that he stopped using his fancy way of speaking and big words show that he was angry and in a bad state. This moment Dabi's eyes spotted see kind of Twice army approaching. He decided not to question it now since after they would win this thing they'd have enough time to catch up.

He simply pointed at them while turning his attention back to the now moving body of the person in the coat "Ask them." He simply spoke as he pointed at the black mass of multiple Twice's. As the magician turned to them the mass yelled out "Helping-Twice is here!!" they all charged forward as multiple were screaming individual other things. 

Mr. Compress was hit by the overwhelming wave of Twices first. "Hey, what happened to your trauma?" he asked loudly as he was dragged away by the wave. The one closest to him replied "Love and bravery helped me overcome it!!" The magician noted something about it sounding like the first chapter of a hero story, but he was ultimately predominated by Twice starting to argue with himself. Or all the other copies starting to agree and disagree on certain points while fighting and protecting the injured man.

"I will clone you guys!" he yelled out of nowhere now getting Dabi's attention as well "We're going to be a huge League. So many that we could live here!" Almost immediately Mr. Compress mentioned how it would be bad to kill some strong guys since they still needed to worry about Machia. He also informed the rest that the giant would wake up in 1 hour and 5 minutes. As the clones of the split man started to discuss between them what they should do for a minute one shouted loudly while giving a thumbs up "We can do it! Let's go to Himiko" 

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