Part 37: High-End Nomu

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Double chapter 

Dabi's POV:

As I entered the mansion and straight up went to our bedroom. I knew that it was late so he definitely already brought Eri to bed. I walked along the dark halls until I came across our door. I breathed in for a moment and then twisted the doorknob to enter the room. 

As I entered the room I saw Shigaraki on the bed reading a book with his nightlamp on the bedside table on his side turned on. I was surprised to not see Eri in our bed. 'She used to sleep with us until now, I guess...' "Where is Eri?" I mumbled with my dark and slightly tired voice as I closed the wooden door behind me. 

Tomura flipped a page in his book and answered meanwhile "Spinner and I brought a bed for her and it arrived today. We build it and now Eri sleeps. I read her a bedtime story out of a book while you were gone." He put a black bookmark in it and closed the book gently "Now Dabi, where were you?" He looked in my eyes with his crimson orbs showing no emotion. 

'Damn, right to the point but what else should I expect from our Leader.' I breathed out and came closer to the bed "I was out doing some normal villain stuff, Shiggy." The male looked at me and then sighed "Alright, is there anything important you need to report?" He laid the book on the small table and turned to me. 'Thank god he brought that. I would have had a lot of explaining to do otherwise.'

So I responded with a calm voice as I got rid of my shirt "Nothing special, just the usual. You know burning some heroes here some villainy there." I crawled onto the bed and kissed my love's cheeks. At first he gave me a small grunt but soon he leaned against me and enjoyed my body heat. I then remembered what I originally wanted from him as my boss. 

"So while I was walking around I wondered, is there anything I can do to be especially useful to you?" I took his hand and kissed the back while looking at him. He seemed to think for a moment and then replied "Well, actually there is something you could do to make yourself very useful~." He purred out gently. 

The way his words came out of his mouth was like a drug. He sure had me wrapped around his little finger. "And what could that be?" I asked now curious. He turned us both so I leaned against the bedframe and he on my stomach. "The doctor just made a new type of Nomu. He calls them the High-Ends. They are way more powerful than the white ones maybe just as powerful as the black ones and they are according to him intelligent. I would like you to take one of them -I already choose which- and take it on a walk." 

I knew exactly what he meant with that. "So a Test Run?" He nodded. "Anything you say is my command, boss~" I whispered in his ear and he looked up to me. "Make sure to find good toys for it." I smiled "Of course I will." I gave him a forehead kiss and turned us to the side. But then Tomura whispered "Because I have something big planned for the League."

I leaned over to him so I could smell some of his fluffy hair "And what might that be if I can ask?" I felt the male smug next to me. "I think you can call it a big training to ascend to a new power level." I said this time with some fake sadness "I don't get to know what you are planning for us?" "You'll know soon enough~" he purred out.

"Goodnight Tomura." I whispered and grabbed the remote for the small lamp. "Goodnight Dabi~. Tomorrow will be a busy day." I turned it off and he snuggled in the bed. 'So a Test Run will be the new ones test. I could make him bring me a strong hero to fight this High-End. That sure will be fun.' I thought and hugged onto him to fall asleep.

~The next morning in the garage~

I walked into the garage with the metal key I got from Twice the other day. Since I am now Hawks' primary contact to the League he did not come with me. I sat down on the same wooden chair as yesterday and waited for the other male to come here. I started to get lost in my thoughts trying to figure out if what I am doing right now was the right thing. 

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