Part 60: Crushing them final

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Gore, destroyed hands, blood, you get the vibe

Shiggy's POV:

My eyes did their best as they followed the now way bigger man like thing down. As he landed or better crashed against the ground I lifted my eyebrow. His body still seemed in an alright condition as far as I could judge. "A normal human would be dead after you're the boss?"

My eyes squinted to get a better look at the guy since only my clone had seen him. 'Fuck my eyesight..' I groaned in my head as I needed a few seconds. "Wait... aren't you that guy from that commercial? Like what was it..Denerat..Detnerat?" I was not sure myself but decided to move on. 'I can find that out soon enough...'

"You haven't answered my question yet." The man calmly but with a hint of anger replied.

If I had the energy to I would have rolled my eyes, but I could barely stand there and focus. Out of my mouth came an uncontrolled but luckily almost silent sigh. 'I have better things to do...where the fuck is Dabi by the way..'. I shook the thought of quickly focusing on him again. 'What was his name....shit...anyway..'.

"Tell me Detnerat, how do you feel?.. Embarrassed perhaps. 110,000 thought that amount would never allow something like this to happen, you thought you could stay on your throne and watch, right?....You decided on your own that we were just weak mobs, easy to take on, in your arrogance you never even considered that we'd come this far. In the end you are finished by TELL ME...HOW DOES IT FEEL!!!"

Even if my words were loud and rather strong at the end I fell forward. To fight against it I just used this to attack. As soon as my fingertips touched the grounds it cracked and shattered, the destruction made its way over to him in a matter of seconds. I don't know how powerful nor destructive it was until I felt a pulsating pain in my foot. 'Well shit...I actually liked that pair...'

I did not know how exactly I felt in that moment. I was unusual calm considering the shit happening around me, I knew younger me would have thrown a tantrum or something. I felt angry but not the fiery kind that made you blind and stupid. Just enough to be angry but still not quite enough. But I am sure that I am really annoyed by this guy.

As I looked up again this huge dude was jumping towards me with now even bigger arms. I could barely escape the impact as I was thrown back by his force. It hurt definitely, a lot but I just had to pull through it.

"Well firstly I am so smart and strategic that I sort of collect my anger. That's why my forehead looks like this. You killed a lot of soldiers to get here, am I right?" His hand speeded forwards and grabbed mine. The sudden pressure on my hand made it shatter as he held it.

I bit down on my gums. The pain was almost impossible to take as I groaned loudly. Besides that I allowed a mix of a whine and groan to escape as the giant pressed my hand further down even if half of it was missing, and it was bleeding like hell.

"Is that the hand that does all this evil?" He asked as my entire body was lifted up by only the hand.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't in excruciating pain. It was so much pain at this point that I was sure my hand was going numb.

"Don't judge other's of their quirks. I was taught that, that's how I was raised. But it has been proven that there is a certain connection between quirk and personality of the user." He grabbed my second hand as well. "You destroy everything you touch with five fingers! What do you think this says about you?"

I tried to fight back but in my condition it was impossible. I needed a few seconds to catch my breath and recharge. Meanwhile I tried to let his stupid talk not get to me too much.

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