Part 14: The get together pt. 2

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Nobody's POV

The whole league sat in a circle around an empty bottle. "What are we going to play??" Ochaco who sat next to Toga asked curiously. "We are going to play Truth, Dare, Kiss or Swear. I used to play that a lot in school!!" "That sounds like a stupid children's game." Dabi interrupted her. "Let me finish!!" She yelled "Ok the rules are pretty simple. Someone or better I spin the bottle. It lands on someone else and they get to choose between Truth, Dare, Kiss or Swear. After the person decided what they will take I can tell them to do anything that belongs to one of these catagories. It is allowed to bring two people in a Dare or Kiss, to make it random by letting the person it landed on previously spin the bottle. Are there any questions??" She finished and looked around.

"That's the stupidest fucking game I've ever played!!" Shiggy complained. "Okay let's start!!" Toga giggled and spun the bottle. All their eyes watched it closely as it spun around and got slower every second. As it stopped they all looked on who it landed. It was Ochaco. "Oh it landed on the new sister!!" Magne pointed out. All of them looked over to her and Toga and waited for Ochaco to choose. She thought for a moment on what would be the best desicion "W-well since I never played that game I should probably pick Truth??" "So Truth it is!!" Toga giggled and thought for a moment "Soo I decided that you have to tell us why you want to become a hero!!" Toga said and looked at her.

Uaraka was pretty surprised at that question but replied immediately. "You see, my family has always been really poor, so I decided to become a hero and make a lot of money for them. If I make money for them they can life easier and we could do some things like shopping or going on vacation together." They all looked at her surprised until Spinner said "That seems like a pretty huge goal to me." Ochaco answered "Yeah it is, but I'm working really hard to reach it and no one is going to stop me!!" "That's the spirit kid." Dabi added as he petted Raven who laid in between him and Tomura.

They continued playing and Spinner had to throw all his knifes in the trashcan in the kitchen, Dabi needed to chug and entire bottle of vodka, Tomura took his hand of for the rest of the game, Magne painted Compresses' nails in a bright pink, Ochaco stuffed as many marshmallows in her mouth as she could, Spinner told the truth behind his goals (His admiration for Stain), Tomura told the gang that he had severe daddy issues, Toga had to swear that she isn't going to lay some dead animals in sinks any time soon.

The atmosphere was amazing, chill and funny and the same time. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and they laughed a lot. Ochaco really liked the League. They were all nice people. Maybe they are just misunderstood she thought as she ate another potato chip. It was Togas turn to spin the bottle again. She spun it and it landed on Dabi. "Daaaareee!!" He yelled loudly. He was clearly drunk but still happier than ever. "Spin the bottle again Dabs!!" Toga answered as she grabbed a marshmallow out of the pink bowl.

Dabi spun the bottle hard and it nearly crashed into Toga "Do you want to kill me!!" She screeched. While they were having a short argument the bottle stopped spinning. "Hey it stopped" Ochaco said and both of them looked at the direction the bottle was pointing.

To Dabi's surprise it landed on a way to familiar light blue haired male. "It's Tommy!!" Toga yelled happily. "I dare you to play a round 7 minutes in Heaven. The closet is big enough for both of you!!" They looked shocked at her "Whaaaat!!! No way in hell I'll go in one closet with this bastard for fucking 7 minutes!!!" Shiggy yelled as he stood up. "Come on this is the last round for the day and I would have dared this one anyway. So get your shit together!!" Toga answered and stood up. "And we are going to clean up so we can go to bed right after this one. We are all tired!!" She mumbled and grabbed both of them to drag them in the closet.

(Let's just pretend that they have a big closet in the huge bar. Like they got a huge fucking mansion, so why not have a closet in the bar)

After Toga closed the closet door Dabi looked up in front of him where Shiggy was sitting. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or his slightly foresight. But the beautiful scenery that was created with all the light that came out of the gab between the closet doors was breathtaking.

The dust in the air almost sparkled. His slightly curled light blue hair fitted perfectly around his pale skin. His hair looked incredibly fluffy and soft.It didn't seem to stand out in all directions like usual but rather like some higher power wanted it to look like this. The scars seemed to fit him perfectly, made him unique. The bigger one on the his left eye and right lip side seemed to break his face like a river in a forest. His eyes looked at the door like he could see right though it in the wide open world. The rubin red eyes were so focused on something that could not be seen with the eyes of other people. The redness was the perfect opposite of his light blue hair. His normally plain looking black clothes made his beauty stand out even more.

Dabi blushed at his sudden thoughts as the other male looked in his direction. Dabi looked away to hide his blush in the darkness. Tomura didn't noticed his bright pink cheeks in the dark closet. Suddenly the question he wanted to ask Tomura all day long popped up in his head again. His eyes went back to Tomura again as he asked "What did you dad do to you?" He looked really shocked at me but also scared.

"W-what do you know?!" He stuttered while he took his limps to his chest. 'I ruined it'  Dabi though as he proceeded to tell him what happened on that day. "You seemed to be really scared of him and you never liked talking about your family. So that part was pretty easy to figure out." Tomu gulped and tears filled his eyes. "I-I you don't know what I'm feeling!!" he cried out and started scratching himself. "Hey hey Shiggy it's fine" he whispered gently and took his chin to make him look at him "I understand that you don't want to go into details but just to let you know. I know what it feels like."

Tomu couldn't hold his tears back any longer and his salty tears rolled down his cheeks and onto Dabi's hands. Some came into his mouth and his nose started to run. "I-I you fucking don't I" he mumbled "Don't talk just calm down" Dabi answered and let go of Tomu's chin.

Shigaraki continued sobbing for a little while and Dabi pulled out a tissue for him. "Here and don't worry, it's unused." Shiggy just nodded and took it. He breathed in and opened his mouth to say something but in the exact same moment Toga swung the door open. "So how did it good?!!!" She giggled.

Tomura looked down so that his long hair hides his face. "Nothing. Those were the worst fucking 7 minutes of my life." he answered and stood up to walk past Toga out of the closet door. Dabi's eyes followed his movements and after he left Dabi stood up and walked out of the closet too.

"Did something happen between you two??" Toga asked worried. To Dabi's and Tomura's luck no member was in the bar anymore. "Why is no one here??" Dabi asked curious. "They left because they didn't want to get murdered by you two" Toga replied happily. "Well I go to bed now" Dabi added as he picked up Raven and walked to his room. 'Why do I care so much' he thought as he closed the door behind him and fell onto the bed seconds later. Raven climbed easily onto the bed and laid next to Dabi's chest. He closed his eyes but anything that came to his mind was related to that stupid creep.

Shigaraki was curled up in his blanket blushing and wondering why the Raven haired male cared about him. 'Maybe I'm just imagining things. No one ever cared for me. And the only people who did are now dead. Because of ME!!' He cried again and did not rest well the entire night just like the other male.

1503 words

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