Part 64: New home

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Nobody's POV:

Tomura got ready for the day. Dressing up in decent clothes as Dabi helped him. Looking at the bandages and kissing his skin from time to time. It was just soft loving affection.

His right-hand man helped him up after they were done. "Let's get Eri. We still have to help her around and make sure the others know."

"Yeah," he groaned as he leaned against his crutch, "I am pretty sure the 3 to 4 people that saw us yesterday told everybody. It must be big news when the Boss walks around with a child that looks oddly like him." He gave a small chuckle as I handed him his emergency inhaler.

"Yeah, but not as much as you used to. I mean," his hand went through the white mess being as gentle as possible, "you have white hair now."

He gave a smile with his broken and scarred lips. "Well, thank you, love." He looked at his partner.

Dabi instantly opened the door for him as they went down the hall for a few moments until they knocked in the door that was supposed to be Eri's. "Eri? You awake?" The ravenette asked as he then entered.

The small girl sat on the bed. She was wearing a black skirt with purple cat prints. The toe beans were a dark pastel purple as well as the hoodie she wore with it. She gave a smile as she reached out for them. "Papa!"

Dabi reached out for her and put her in his arms. "There we go." He gave a hum as the girl leaned against him.

Tomura closed the door behind him with his foot. "Yeah?" He came closer as he put his head near her.

The girl pat his head as she smiled. "Are you better?" She asked as she held his face smiling.

"Yes," he lied as natural as he breathed, "much better now that you are here." He had a gentle smile on his lips as the small girl pat his head.

"What now?" Eri asked as she leaned against Dabi again, playing with her hair.

"We'll go and you will meet the people around here. For that we will play pretend. You are something called a 'Nomu test subject'. You don't have to speak differently. We will act perfectly. And people will treat you good. And don't be afraid to tell Papa when people are mean to you. You deserve only the best." He hummed as he turned away after she gave a nod. "Oversmall will stay here."

"Okay...I will do my best..but I want a super nice breakfast made by Daddy." She pointed at Dabi as she was carried by him to the door.

The flame user opened it with one hand while holding Eri with the other. "Whatever you want. Kimchi, rice or perhaps fruits?"

"Let's go." The white-haired man ordered as he walked out of the door.

As the three were walking through the base, they got more weird looks. That was until they stepped into the meeting room. There the high ranked members of PLF stared at them. But no one dared to speak. When Tomura sat down, he spoke "Hello I am sure you all have been aware of what happened. Now I want to introduce you to Eri."

Dabi stood next to him "Correct she is here for now." He placed the girl on the chair that was his. It was next to Shigaraki's.

"Yeah, she is what I would call a Nomu test subject. Please only refer to her as Eri. You will treat her good and be nice to her. If not, I will be informed immediately and you will have to deal with the consequences." He glared at them all.

Dabi was sure that if any of them would even dare to look at her the wrong way, they would die the most painful death imaginable. He couldn't help but give a small grin.

"Of course." All of them said in union. However, the one ones from the League had no fear in their voice. They knew that Eri was more like their daughter than a test subject.

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