Part 31: Infiltration of the Shie Hassaikai

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Toga's POV

I sat on the sofa talking to Big Sis Magne when Shigaraki suddenly opened the door. "Hey Shiggy!! What's up? Is Eri-chan with you?" I laughed and jumped off the couch to get to Tommy "Where is Twice? I need the whole group...we have some important business." He replied and walked over to the bar to get himself a drink. 

I nodded and yelled happily "I'll get the rest of the League, but what about Eri?" He stopped in his motion, but then uttered "Kurogiri will take care of her. When the meeting is over I want to speak with him in private!" I was surprised, but then a wonderful idea popped up in my head "So when you talk to Mamagiri I can play with Eri right?"

 'When I mean playing with's rather complicated. She always blames herself for everything. I stepped on a piece I forgot somewhere, then she blames herself for playing with me. She isn't used to physical affection either. She seems to be afraid of fast movements.  It's sad to watch such a young girl hold onto her guilt.'

He took a sip of whiskey in is glass and sighed annoyed "Sure, but don't do anything dangerous or with weapons, k?" I huffed, but didn't say anything 'I mean I can see, why he wouldn't want me to play something dangerous with Eri...But he would never just agree for me to play with her..Something must have happened with Chisaki.' 

I toyed with a lock of my hair while thinking, but the sound of Shiggy drumming with his hands on the bar counter brought me back to reality. When he saw that I finally noticed him he raised one of his nearly non-existing eyebrows, and asked curious "And? I'm waiting?" 

I walked of to one of the doors, and paced out of the room yelling "FINE!! I'll get the squad!!" What I said came out angrier and annoyed than I intended, but I guess there is nothing I can do now

~After she got the the League except Kurogiri and Eri in the bar~

"So what do you want from us Shigaraki? I don't care!!"Twice was the first one to speak up. Then Tomura turned towards us, and leaned against the bar counter. "As you may know I met up with Kai to talk. He shared his plan with me, but he wanted something in exchange. Long story short. Toga and Twice will be yakuza's from today on." 

I was shocked "What!! I don't wanna work with these mean yakuza people!! They are so full of themselves!!" I pouted. Twice yelled "I agree! with Toga No I don't!" Shiggy sighed like he saw this coming, and put his now empty whiskey on the counter. "Well they want to decrease the League's mobility by taking useful people. But they have something what I want. It's quirk erasing bullets. You'll probably find out more at their headquarters.  And I don't like them too, but you two have an important job. You need to flatter these yakuza guys and then conquer them. You will be the back sheep in their line! To be honest I never thought of them as equals." 

He turned to the counter and refilled his glass "Chisaki treats his members like shit peasants." He took a sip and continued "I trust you guys. You are like family to me. And there is something else you need to know." He laid the glass back and faced us "Kai hurt or used Eri in some kind of way. We don't know it yet, but what he did makes her really scared of others and herself." He focused on me and Twice "It's your job to find out what he did!!"

I looked down for a moment in anger and fear, but then up to Tommy again "I'LL DO IT!!! If there is something I hate more than mean yakuza guys, it's mean yakuza guys that abuse children!" I jumped to my feet, and turned around to face Twice "Twicy?? You are coming with me, right?"

Twice jumped down from the stool he was previously sitting on and screamed "Of course Toga-NO I would never do this!!" Tomura nodded and spoke "You both will be sent there, through a tunnel, so we won't raise the heroes suspicion. I show you the beginning, it should be easy for you to get there, because a member of the Shie Hassaikai will be waiting for you. You also need to get up at 7am, so we can be there at 8am. Kai doesn't like people who are late or waste his time." 

I nodded, but I could already feel my bones hurt, as I think of the time we are going to get up. "Is that everything?" I asked, Tomura nodded and replied "You can now all go and do your stuff. And Toga..please bring Kurogiri to me, we have to talk about something..." I gave him a mock salute, as I rushed out off the room. 

Shigaraki's POV

I waited for everyone to leave the bar. Dabi walked towards me and went in for a kiss, but I just turned my head and whispered "Not now Dabi...Later..I need to finish some business. Can you watch Toga and Eri for me??" He nodded, but I could see disappointment in his face. I touched his face carefully with my hand "Hey, it ok. We can do anything you want later. I'm pretty sure I taste awful after so many glasses." 

He pouted and looked at me. 'Omg, HE'S SO CUTE!!! I feel so bad' I could feel my checks getting hot, so I just let go of his face. His head flopped forward and he groaned. I apologize and chuckled, as he shuffled out of the room. 

Seconds after he closed the door it reopened, and Kurogiri walked in the room. I nodded and he asked "Why did you want to speak to me Tomura Shigaraki?" I answered "You know Master knew the doctor and wanted to introduce me to him." 

"Of course, I know the doctor. But I only met him once or twice." I thought for a moment 'I need to get stronger and expand my forces. Maybe Master has a friend or left something behind for me.' I said "I'm sure Master left something behind for me..Do you have a clue what it is?" 

Kurogiri thought for a moment until he replied "He has an old powerful friend. His name is Gigantomachia. I know he is somewhere in Japan, but I will need to find him. He is a loyal ally of your Master. I'm sure if you show him how powerful you are, he'll accept you as his new master." 

I sighed, and came to the conclusion that Kurogiri should look for him. It is a major decrease to our mobility, but at least the yakuza doesn't have him. 'Gigantomachia...How powerful is he? How long will it take till he accepts me as his new master?.. Maybe I should focus on these questions after Kurogiri found him. Now I need to brighten up Dabi's mood.' 

After Kurogiri teleported away to start his search I walked into the hall, which leads to our game room. Before I could open the door I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could do anything I was pulled against someone's chest. The warmth instantly told me that it's Dabi. 

I felt his hot breath on my neck, he then went to my ear and whispered "Anything I want?" He nibbled my ear waiting for an answer. I gasped as he lifted me up. "Dabi~...What do you want?" He opened the door and walked over to the couch. I now sat on his lap facing the TV, as he handed me a controller "Let me win in Mario Cart once.." He declared. I chuckled and hummed "In your dreams~." 

We continued gaming for the rest of the day, and I let Dabi win once. We then walked back to my room half asleep. I was to tired to complain, as he flopped me on the bed and literally fell asleep next to me in bed. 

~Da next day~

I woke up as I felt a vibration and loud noises. I then realized that it was the alarm on my phone. I groaned in annoyance, as I turn it off and got up. Dabi got up to and hugged me from behind. "Dabi..not now. I need to get ready." All I heard was a sleepy no, as he tightened his grip and laid his head on my shoulder. 

I mumbled something but then just ran my hand through his black hair. He sighed, as I massaged his skull. After some minutes I stopped, and lightly slapped or more like tapped his checks "Now I need to get ready. Maybe after I brought Twice and Toga to Kai we can cuddle. But if you want to make yourself useful, you could make us breakfast. What do you think?"

He mumbled something along the lines of "yeah ok but then I want my cuddles" as he let go of me. I could finally get ready and wake up the rest of the League. 

I went into the kitchen and was shocked, as I saw a feast made by Dabi. He made eggs, sausages, bacon, toast and everything that I could dream of. The rest came into the room and set the table, so I decided to get Eri. 

We all ate and to be honest it was the best shit in the whole universe. After we ate I dragged Toga and Twice out of the house. We went to the entrance of the tunnel. A member of the Shie Hassaikai was waiting. He had a white coat and mask. 

"Those two are Toga and Twice. Bring them to Kai and if there are any problems he should contact me." I said and was about to turn around as the member spoke "We appreciate your cooperation Tomura Shigaraki." He turned around and led the way for Twice and Toga. 

1680 words 

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