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⚠️⚠️Idk what to write, and we are all desperate horny homunculi. Sooo some smut nearly without context. You can skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with such a topic. I warned you ⚠️⚠️

Tomura has moved to his own private apartment. It is like those deluxe homes with kitchen, big king sized bed, big couch, TV and gaming consoles. Most of their free time Tomura and Dabi would play Mario kart. Or as Dabi would say it, Shiggy has a horribly long ongoing winning streak. So while Shiggy would be with others or the doctor he would use the time to train. But most times they go to the doctor together. Natsuo is watched 24/7.  If he would even dare to touch Tomura 0.001 second longer than necessary, then Dabi's killing aura would lay itself over Natsuo, and suffocate him. 

Dabi sat on the bed looking through his phone stressed. Mostly checking the news or what the heroes are officially up to. The fact that Tomura wasn't with him stressed him out. Even if he would never admit to be so possessive or jealous. 

Shiggy's POV 

I came back from the garden where I met up with Kurogiri. We talked about the things that happened while I recovered and the fact that I need to get back to work. 'You can't just keep doing this forever young Shigaraki. I am happy that you feel well again, but we need to start working if you don't want that some other villain group takes the lead.' I kept thinking about his words on my way back. 'It's true that I have been a little bit laid back....I really need to get back to working.' 

I opened the door to my apartment and walked in the kitchen to get a glass of water. 'But the other members seemed excited to to go killing again, with an actual plan this time. Except for Dabi...he's been passive-aggressive lately and I have been a little annoyed. I mean I could have a mean face on but I still get their point. Maybe I have been acting like a little brat too. Not something I am especially proud of.' 

I swirled the liquid in my glass trying to think about the reason for this rather stressed atmosphere. 'No mission went wrong...we didn't have a fight, or at least no significant one........or could it be sexual tension' . It sounded crazy but plausible. 

I put the glass and started walking around the apartment looking for Dabi 'Did he come to the same conclusion as me or not. And if he did since when? Did he wait or?...does he even want to do it with me?? Come on Tomu get it together!! He cares for you, he would never do something like this without my consent. But still he would ask me constantly if I really want this and that would definitely ruin it for me sooooo I have to act first. And maybe after that I can concentrate better on my work?...' 

I saw the closed apartment door and thought for a moment, until I grabbed the 'Do not disturb' sign. I hung it on the other side of the door and locked it. 'Just in case..' I thought and continued my search.

I walked toward the bedroom door which was slightly opened. I heard Dabi curse at something and I held in for a moment. 'Should I really go for it??' I breathed in but my mind just stuck to one conclusion 'I'll do it..I only live once and what is the worst that could happen...This may be my most overthought but still rushed decision in my entire life.' I thought as I opened the door with a half thought out plan.

Nobody's POV

Shigaraki walked into the room and towards the bed. Dabi looked up from his phone and moved to the side, to make place for his lover. But Shigaraki crawled on the bed and proceeded to sit on his crotch area. He made a fast movement so Dabi couldn't escape. 

Dabi gasped nearly inaudible in surprise, as Shigaraki positioned himself. The boy increased the pressure on his thighs making Dabi unable too move away. The man chuckled and laid his phone, which he was previously focused on away. "Soo what do you want from me boss~??" He laid his hands on Shigaraki's waist and brushed his inner thigh with his thump. Tomura removed some force from his thighs knowing that he won't try to escape. Dabi caught Tomura's glare and moved a bit back to stabilize them with the bedframe. 

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