Group Project | Kim Seokjin | Part 2

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- Mind if I go with you? He asked, fixing his glasses.

- No, it's okay, I simply answer.

- Is everything okay? You seem kind of down lately, he asked. I think it's the first time anyone asks me if I'm alright.

- Yeah, I'm fine..., I say. I don't want to tell him the truth, for some reason.

- Well, I know you're not fine. You don't have to tell me what the matter is, but you know you can trust me and that I'm always there for you if you need me.

- I just feel really pushed outside lately, I feel pretty lonely and stressed because we have group projects so often.

- I've noticed that actually. You sit a lot alone, I should've asked earlier...

- Again, I've gotten used to it, so you don't have to worry.

- Well, actually I do need to worry. I don't want you to be alone, my heart can't stand seeing you sad or anything.

- You're so sweet, sorry for being so annoying though...

- Why are you sorry? You're not annoying at all! I think you're a wonderful and ambitious person.

I started blushing from the sweet words Jin said. I haven't heard that kind of words from anyone. Even though I might not know everything about Jin, I know quite a lot and from the stuff I know, I think he is someone I would like to get to know, more than just friends. We kept on talking all the way to the supermarket, we bought some snacks together and I decided to invite him over to my apartment. I'm living alone, because the school I go to is far away from where I used to live with my parents, so I had to move into a small apartment that would be much closer to school. I still visit them on the weekends though. Jin and I just hung out the rest of the day, eating the snacks we bought and watching a good movie.

A couple of weeks later...

It has been a couple of weeks since Jin and I started the group project and therefore getting to know each other better. We have been hanging out at school every day, we sit together in every class and help each other out. Even my mood has changed. I went from the always quiet and lonely girl to the happy girl that has at least one person to sit with. For me, one person is enough. I don't need ten girls or boys running after me at all times. But I'm not completely alone either. I have been hanging out with Jin even after school, sometimes going to one of our apartments or simply to a cafe. We even help each other with homework and studying for tests. My life is now so much more exciting. Today, we were planning to go to a bubble tea cafe. I have never tried bubble tea before, so I was excited to be able to try it for the first time with Jin. When it comes to our friendship itself, it feels like we've come much closer. But Jin is doing some specific things towards me that he doesn't do to any other girl. For example, when we make eye contact in a class where we have specific seats and we can't sit with each other, he winks at me. He also hugs me often even if it's just a friendly hug. But for me, it means more than just a simple hug. To me, it's something I've never felt before. When we sit together, we sit close to each other and the list of things we do can go on. My feelings for him have gotten stronger and I wish every day for the moment where he asks me out or decides to tell me how much he loves me. I daydream about us walking together while holding hands and fall asleep together. When is that day gonna come...

About three days later...

It was now Friday, the end of the week. Fridays are my favorite days of the week because it's the last day of school (at least until next Monday). When I was walking to school today, I saw Jin standing at the end of the street I live on. He has never done that before, but you know it happens that he does something special now and then. He turned around and looked at me when I started getting closer.

- Good morning, Y/N! He exclaimed as he stretched out his arms, waiting for a hug.

- Hi, Jinnie. How are you? I asked as I usually do.

- I'm good, beautiful. What about you? He asked me. Beautiful? He hasn't called me that before...

- I mean it's Friday, how could anyone be in a bad mood on the last day of the week? What are you doing after school today?

- Well, today is a special day, so I hope everything will go as planned...

- Why is it a special day?

- I'm planning to go meet up with a girl after school today! So I have booked a table at our favorite cafe, I hope she likes it.

My heart broke into a thousand pieces. A girl? I haven't seen him talk to any other girl than to me. Who is this girl I don't know about? And what about my feelings towards him? Am I supposed to just forget it, let it go? My mood changed, but I tried not to show it. If he's happy with another girl, I'm just going to respect that, I can't change my mind because I love him...

*time skip, end of the day*

The last bell of the day rang. I packed my things and walked out of the classroom, not thinking about Jin. The only thing I was thinking about was the random girl that Jin talked about this morning. How could he flirt with me and get so close to then just start liking another girl? I was a bit mad at him and he might have noticed. But even though I love him, I want him to understand how much this hurts me. 


Hey guys! I've been pretty dead lately, I kind of even forgot that Wattpad existed lol

But I'm back with another chapter of 'Group Project', I hope you'll enjoy! Also, I got a new nickname that I might use~

See ya! 

~ WhiteWolf ~

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