Studying | RM | Part 3

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If you didn't know, I really like to work out. Well, actually not really. I just want to keep my body in a fit form, but I love doing gymnastics. I do them from time to time. Sometimes I work as a leader for a little gymnastics group in the area where I live. If not, I just go down to my basement. I have all the different kinds of equipment there: Small and big trampolines, mats, big mirrors on the walls and a lot of other stuff. Of course, I also have some emergency equipment like bandages, band-aids, different lotions and also athletic tape. I have hurt my self a couple of times, especially stretching my muscles too much. That's why I mostly have to use athletic tape.

Anyways. I went to go change into my workout - clothes and went into the basement. I started with warming up and stretching, so I wouldn't hurt myself. Then, I did the usual stuff: some handstands, cartwheels, roundoffs. Later, I started with the harder stuff: Freestanding flips and flips on the trampolines. I hadn't been doing gymnastics for a while because doing homework and studying was taking so much of my time, so it felt a bit off when I was doing all the stuff. Especially my frontflips. I set up a thick mattress, the small trampoline and a long mat I was going to run on. I went down to the start of the set-up and got myself ready. Then, I started running, got a good jump on the trampoline that got me high into the air, made the flip, but it was almost a perfect landing if I could just stand up straight. But I didn't 'cause I fell forwards on my knees.

Right then, Namjoon got went down to the basement. As I was getting up from the mattress, he asked:

- How's it going?

- Not good, I haven't done any gymnastics for the last month and I can't get my flips right, I said as I walked up to him, kind of bummed that I couldn't get my tricks right.

- Don't worry. The last test we have is tomorrow, then we have the weekend and a test-free week. We just have some simple homework, which I will help you with, he said while hugging me tightly.

- Really? I thought I wouldn't be able to work out next week as well. But if you say so...

- You can work on all the stuff here this weekend, and then just keep your condition all next week.

- I hope because it really is sad how I can't get anything right. And this is normally easy for me!

- Yeah, I know. But, I have an idea...

- What is it?

- What if I watch you as you do another flip, maybe it will help?

- No, I'm just going to get stressed because I'll know you're here and I will fail...

Hi guys! Hope you're doing good! This week has been so busy - I had tests pretty much every day. But now I'm back! But I still have a little problem, and that is that I don't have any story ideas, so all the stories I have written are short or just bad. So if I don't update much, it's because my brain isn't working properly LOL. But see ya guys soon, hopefully!

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