The Lake at Midnight | Jeon Jungkook | Part 4 (The End)

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"- Well, there are probably some exceptions.

- How about you go out with me, then?

- W-what? Like on a d-date?"


Crap, I started to stutter. He knew that I stutter when I get nervous, so he used it against me. And he figured out the fact that I'm into him.

- Yeah. or will that be one of the exceptions? Jungkook continued.

- No, it's definitely not an exception. I'll go on a d-date with y-you..., I stuttered again.

- How about we count this our date?

- I d-don't mind!

- Come on, let's go take a swim in the lake!

- Oh, o-okay...

Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him, running down to the lake. We were standing on a small bridge and Jungkook didn't even hesitate before he started taking off his shirt and pants. I was slightly uncomfortable since I had never exposed my body to anyone. But I was somewhat lucky that I was wearing an oversized shirt that I had tucked into my pants. While Jungkook wasn't looking, I quickly took off my jeans and covered my thighs as much as I could with my shirt.

- How come you suddenly become so shy around me? Jungkook asked, looking at me as I was hugging my own body tightly.

- I'm just n-not used to hang out with b-boys like this, I stutter once more.

- Well then, let me show you how it's done, he said and picked me up, jumping into the lake.

The cold water embraced my body, but feeling Jungkook's body against mine kept me warm. It felt like time froze for a while, but the urge to get to the surface and breathe made me panic slightly before I quickly made my way up. I gasped for air, coughing slightly as I tried to fill my lungs up with oxygen again.

- You alright? Jungkook asked, holding me by my waist, making sure my body didn't sink back down.

- Yeah, I just panicked a little. I can't remember the last time I went for a swim, I answered, slowly calming my breathing.

- Do you want to go sit on the bridge for a while? he asked worriedly.

- No, I'm fine, I answered with a reassuring smile.

- Let's get swimmin' then so you keep warm.

He started swimming away from me, so I got moving and soon enough I caught up with him. The one thing that Jungkook didn't know, was that I had been a swimmer for about 4 or 5 years. Even though I panicked at first, I got comfortable and started swimming faster, losing Jungkook in the back.

- You're getting into it I see, Jungkook exclaimed.

- And it seems like someone is eating dust back there, I said jokingly as I stopped swimming for a while, but kept kicking with my legs to stay by the surface.

- Well, you just came out of nowhere, swimming faster than I've ever seen before. How are you so fast? Jungkook asked, panting as he finally reached me.

- I was a swimmer a year or two ago, haven't been swimming since then, I explain.

- Really? You never told me!

- It's nothing to be really that proud of, you know. It's nothing special.

- But it's something!

- Yeah, you're right.

My legs were starting to get tired, but it was too deep for me to touch the bottom of the lake even slightly. Jungkook, on the other hand, was much taller and didn't seem to have any issues with that.

- How the hell can you touch the bottom of the lake? I ask, really acknowledging his height.

- I'm just tall, I guess. Can't you touch it? He asked as he looked at me, I was starting to sink a little.

- No, I've been keeping myself up by kicking my legs the whole time. But I'm starting to get tired, I complained.

- Why didn't you tell me earlier? Come here, I'll help you.

- Jungkook, there's no need-

I got cut off by Jungkook grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I squealed as he lifted me up by my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist. I blushed, hiding my red face in the crook of his neck.

- You're so cute when you're shy, Jungkook cooed.

- No I'm not, I look like a tomato, I pout.

- An adorable tomato, he giggled.

- You're making everything worse, I sighed shyly.

- Well, you better get used to it if we're gonna be together, he whispered in my ear.

- What do you mean? I ask, looking at him.

- Will you be my girlfriend?

- Since you're asking so nicely, I will.

He smiled widely before pulling me even closer to his chest, closing the distance between us until our lips met in a passionate kiss.

The End


This story has now also come to an end. I hope you still enjoyed it, and I know I haven't uploaded in ages but I'll explain in the next chapter, aka it will be an announcement of sorts.

~ MoonChild

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