The Date | Jeon Jungkook | Part 4

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- Y-yes! Omg, I can't believe my ears right now, I said blushing heavily.

- I can prove it to your lips... he said with a smirk, leaning closer.

I didn't stop him. I wanted this. I craved this. Even if it's my first ever boyfriend, I still wanted this. I didn't want to be "the odd one out" because I still was single. But for me, it's not just the fact I have a boyfriend. It's also what you feel while being in a relationship. His kiss was a deep, passionate kiss. I could feel the love in that kiss.

- I love you, I said as we broke the kiss, trying to catch out breaths.

- I love you too, now I can finally call you mine, Jungkook said.

*time skip*

It was the day Jungkook and I were going out on a date. I woke up early, trying to get myself ready before he wakes up. I was looking through my whole wardrobe for a good outfit. After a good 20 minutes, I picked out a cute outfit, that I think Kookie will love...

Jungkook's P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning. I checked my phone. It was the day of my and Y/N's date. I heard her in her room, probably picking out clothes. I got up from the couch I was sleeping on, went to my suitcase and started looking for my clothes. I had picked out a nice outfit, perfect for a date. I didn't want to look too fancy, but at least nicer than every other day. I heard the door to her bedroom open, so I turned around and saw her peeking through the door.

- Oh! You're awake! She said.

- Yeah, I am. I guess you have been awake for a while now as well, huh? I asked.

- Was I too loud? She looked concerned.

- No, I just guessed. I chuckled at her cute face.

- Well, I'm done, but I want to wait for you. Then, you'll see my outfit...

- I'm gonna be done, I just have to put on my clothes. I want to see your outfit...

- Get ready then! I'll be back when you're done!

And she closed the door. I quickly started putting on my clothes and fixed my hair a bit. One last look in the mirror - perfect!

- Babe, I'm done! Come out, I want to see you! I exclaimed.

She opened the bedroom door and stepped out. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was so gorgeous, I fell in love with her all over again...Everything about her was just perfect...

Her beautiful, dark green eyes that were just mesmerizing. Her cute little nose and her wonderful smile. When she smiled at me, she made the whole day better in just a second. Her hair was naturally wavy, in a sombre going from a dark brown to a silver blonde. And her outfit - it was the cutest and most delightful at the same time. She had a light grey, off shoulder - sweater; a black mini skirt and some black velvet high heels. And she had the necklace I gave her around her neck. She was just the most adorable little girl I've ever seen. It felt so good to know, that she's mine. Only mine...


I walked out of my bedroom and looked at Jungkook. I was shocked...

His light blue eyes, looking into mine deeply. His little nose and the smile that brightens up your darkest days. His light blonde hair, nicely styled. And his outfit. His outfit perfectly emphasized his beautiful, tall body. A bright - orange hoodie, with a dark blue denim jacket on top; a pair of black, ripped jeans and a pair of Nike sneakers. He looked so handsome! How am I so lucky to have such a gorgeous boyfriend?!

- Omg, you look so good! I love it! How do you look so good... I said to him, looking down at myself. I felt like I didn't look good in my outfit, compared to him.

- Baby, you look even better. You don't even know what I would like to do to you right now... He said, making me look up at him as I blush.

- Like what? What would you do? I asked him innocently.

- I'll show you tonight after we've been on our date, he said.

- Where are we going? I asked.

- Well, I've heard you like just going around in the city, but never really have anyone to go with. So...

- So we're gonna do that today?

- Yep! We can stay outside till it gets dark when all the lights are on. It's just so beautiful.

- I'm so excited. I'll bring my camera, we'll take a bunch of photos together!

I hugged him tightly out of excitement. I love taking pictures, especially of landscapes and wonderful places. But the thing I love the most is taking pictures in the dark. It just looks so cool. 

A/N: Well hello there! I hope everyone is doing okay, especially now that the virus is going around :( I have online classes and stay at home almost all the time, but I'm not complaining. Apart from that, I hope you like this chapter! See ya!

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