The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 4

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-  Hi... I tried my best to hide my excitement. I was happy to see him, but then I remembered the dream and got sad again.  

- Is there something wrong? He looked at me, being concerned about my sad expression.

- Um... I mean... nevermind. I just answered him, debating if I should tell him or not, but decided not to.

- Come on, I have something to tell you. But I need more privacy... he said, whispering the last part. 

I sat up, looked at my friend and saw her giggling. Then I looked up at Jimin and stood up. He grabbed my wrist, and lead me outside underneath a big oak. It was cloudy outside and it looked like it was going to rain. Jimin stopped in front of me and looked at me with a serious face.

- So... this is pretty important to me, he said.

- Ok... I said with a questioning look.

He was looking very nervous. I thought that something bad happened, but then...

- I-i like y-you...He said, stuttering.

- Y-you, like me? I thought you only liked me as a friend... I said, shocked from his confession.

- I have liked since I first saw you, but was scared to tell you, in case you maybe didn't like me back. But when I saw you laying down, being sad, I wanted to tell you this, in hope that you would feel a bit better...

- Jimin... I like you too...

- Well then, will you be my girlfriend?

- Yes, Jimin!

It started to rain. Jimin came closer, held my waist while leaning closer, and connecting our lips in a passionate kiss. The rain kept coming down, getting our clothes soaking wet. But I didn't care about that at the time. The important thing was, that my crush actually confessed to me. We broke the kiss and looked at each other.

- I love you, Y/N, Jimin said.

- I love you too, Jimin, I said while smiling brightly.

- Let's get back inside, I don't want you to catch a cold, baby.

- Yeah, I'm starting to get cold.

Hi guys! I'm really trying to upload whenever I can, but I want to focus a lot on school since after this semester I will go to high school, I guess. So I'm having a hard time trying to keep my grades as they are or getting them higher, and also choosing what I want to study in high school. But I still hope you like this chapter! See ya!

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