Studying | RM | Part 4

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- But can't you try?

- I can, I guess...

I went back to the beginning and got ready. I quickly looked at RM and he just gave me a reassuring look. I started running, I jumped, did the flip. While I was in the air, I just closed my eyes. I landed, and I was ready to fall again. But, I didn't. I landed perfectly! I opened my eyes and saw RM smiling at me with his beautiful smile.

- And what did I tell you? He said while hugging me and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

- Thank you, I love you... I said.

- I love you too, Y/N.

- Can we go back to cuddling now?

- Do you want to cuddle with someone drenched in sweat?

- I don't really care, it preferably not.

- Then, just let me take a shower and I'll come back to you.

- Ok, but don't take too much time.

We walked upstairs, I grabbed some comfy clothes from my bedroom and went to take a shower. I turned on the water nice and warm and just stood in the shower for a while. It was so relaxing, but then I remembered that RM is waiting so I hurried a bit. After the warm shower, I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I got dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and RM's red hoodie. Then I walked down to the kitchen to look after RM, but I couldn't find him anywhere so I just decided to make some ramyeon. I turned on some music through our Bluetooth-speakers and started dancing a little as I was cooking. I was so into it, so I didn't hear or notice when RM got behind me. I noticed when I wanted to turn around and get a bowl because he was right in front of me. He scared the crap out of me!

- Did I scare you, baby? He asked when he saw my scared face.

- Yeah! You did! I said loudly while trying to calm down.

- I didn't mean too, but you just looked so cute.

- I was looking for you but you weren't here so I decided to make some food.

- I was in the basement.

- Oh, okay... I'm just going to eat and then we can cuddle.

- Finally!

I sat down on the couch in the living room, turned on the TV and looked for something I could watch. RM sat beside me and when I was done eating he turned off the TV, lifted me up and carried me up to our bedroom. He put me down on the bed, gave me a quick peck on the lips and layed down beside me. 

Hi guys! I'm feeling motivated so I decided to post, even though I posted two days ago :) Hope you like this chapter, and see ya!

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