The Lake at Midnight | Jeon Jungkook | Part 3

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(that photo tho-)

~ Don't forget about the cassette. Later! He exclaimed as he got further and further away from me.

- Later! I shouted back, waving 'goodbye'.

- Later..., I whispered to myself. ~


I was now back home. Time really flies by when you're having fun, it was already 9 pm.

Laying down on my bed, I picked up my cassette player and headphones, pulling out Jungkook's cassette from my backpack. I have to listen to it, it must be important. I put the cassette tape in the player and started listening to the music. The song was as beautiful as I had imagined it when I wrote the story. Faintly, in the background, I could hear Jungkook whisper "The Lake". I kept listening through all the songs, new words being whispered: "Midnight, Tomorrow, Meet Me There". The songs cleared my mind completely, letting me focus on the words and the piano tunes, nothing else. At the end of the final song, I heard Jungkook's "Later" before the tape ended and the cassette player stopped. I guess I have to meet him at the lake tomorrow, at midnight.


The next day~

I got woken up by my alarm clock on my bedside table. It was 8 am and I had a busy day coming up. That unfinished project was still there on my desk, I had to finish it today. I also had new work coming in, so I wanted to start working on the new projects as soon as possible so I wouldn't stress so much again at the end of the month. And I can't forget about Jungkook. I'm supposed to meet up with him tonight. I'm definitely nervous, but how bad could it really be?


I got through the workday faster than I expected. I got all the projects done and didn't have to stress about anything. I was able to spend the rest of the day in my garden, writing new stories and scenes. It got late quite quickly, it was time for me to get ready and go to the lake, I needed to be there on time.

11:55 pm. I was five minutes early unless Jungkook decided to be early or maybe even late. I started humming Jungkook's songs, they had been stuck in my head all day long. I walked around on the shore of the lake, waiting for him. Suddenly, two hands cover my eyes and a voice speaks.

- Guess who it is?~, the familiar voice said.

- I know it's you, Jungkook, I say, my voice a little shaky since I got kind of startled by his sudden appearance.

He removed his hands and turned me around, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

- Sorry for scaring you, will you accept my apology? He asked, looking at me with puppy-like eyes.

- Only if you promise me that you won't scare me like that any time soon, I said with a stronger voice.

- I promise. Sorry, again, he said as he looked down. I was too harsh, wasn't I?

It's okay, don't worry. Also, I was curious as to why you wanted me to come here tonight?

- I don't really know, I didn't think you would come at all.

- How could I not have come, especially if I'm meeting you? You know me well enough to know that I'll do anything you ask for.

- Anything, you say?

- Well, there are probably some exceptions.

- How about you go out with me, then?

- W-what? Like on a d-date?



Another part of 'The Lake at Midnight'! What do you think? Is it any good? I haven't been writing for quite a while so I'm a bit rusty so to speak, so comments on the story would be very appreciated! Thank you guys for reading! Hopefully, I'll see you soon again!

~ MoonChild

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