The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 6

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*time skip*

We had arrived at the cafe and went inside. I followed Jimin to the counter and ordered two latte machiattos. Jimin paid for us both, and we sat near the window. It was raining again. We drank our coffees while talking about our hobbies and stuff, and then Jimin asked:

- So, are your parents at home, or are you alone at home?

- My parents are right now out of town for the upcoming week or so, why? I asked.

- If you don't mind, then maybe I could stay over at your place tonight?

- Of course! No problem!

- Are you done, babe?

- Yep, let's go!

So we went outside and started going home.

*time skip*

We arrived at my house, and it was still raining! The weather here is crazy all the time. So I was freezing, and Jimin noticed.

- Give me the keys to your house, he said.

- But why do you need them? I can unlock the door, I wanted to say but got interrupted.

- Just give me them.

I gave him the keys, and he lifted me up bridal style. He walked up to the door and unlocked it easily. He went inside, closed the door with his foot, walked to the living room and laid me down on my couch, taking off my shoes and covering me with a blanket that was laying beside me. Then he took off his own shoes and sat down beside me.

- Are you feeling better now? He asked concerned.

- Yes, thank you ChimChim, I answered while smiling at the nickname I made up for him. I could see him blush. He's so cute!

- Maybe you want to watch a movie? I asked him.

- I love watching movies! Come here... he said with a smile on his face. His smile is just so gorgeous.

He held out his arm, so I could lay down my head on his shoulder. I felt so cozy, having his arm around me, laying in his embrace, wearing his hoodie. Just the perfect and beautiful moment.

After a while, I could feel myself getting sleepy, and my eyes started to close. I fell asleep.

*time skip*

It was Sunday morning, and I was getting ready. Jimin had asked me out on a romantic day, so I tried looking as good as I could. I was almost done when I got a message from Jimin...

Another little cliffhanger, hehe. I hope you like this chapter, but sadly the story is coming to an end. But next time I post, it will be a new story (instead of 'Me and Jungkook', that is already finished)! 

See ya!

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