The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 2

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*time skip, 15 min*

While we were waiting, we just chatted. About 10 minutes before the party would start, I got a message from Jungkook.

<from My Crush>

Hey! Are you ready for tonight?

I'm soo ready! Are u?

So excited! I'll see you soon!

Ok, see ya!

I suddenly felt the butterflies in my stomach. I knew it was a good sign, at least he is coming to the party...

After a few more minutes, all the people started gathering. It started with a few knocks on the door, then I just stood by the open door and welcomed everyone. There were so many people!! But, while I was standing there, I didn't see Jungkook. Did he decide to not come? What is this? I thought. I decided to walk inside and I walked up to one of my friends and just said:

- Can you please stand at the door and look after Jungkook?

- Yeah, sure! Anything for you, you flirty little girl... she said.

- Oh, stop it. When he comes, text me. So I can be ready.

Then I walked away and started talking to some of the people from my class and other classes. Then I felt my phone vibrate. It was from my friend.

<from My Bestie>

He is here! Get ready!

I suddenly got really, like really nervous. But I kept on talking to my classmates. Then, one of them was like: Oh, look! There's Jungkook!

Everybody turned their heads toward him. And there he was: my crush, Jeon Jungkook. He looked towards the group of people where I was standing and looked at me. He looked me up and down and then started walking towards us. Well, me technically.

- What a nice party, Y/N. Thanks for inviting me! Jungkook said as he sent me a wink. I started blushing, but I was just hoping that he wouldn't really see that.

*time skip*

The party went on, it was time to get changed and get into the pool. So I told my friends, to go get the microphone and tell everyone to get changed and just jump into the pool. As they were doing that, I went and got changed in my room. I got a text from my friend, asking me if she should "book" the jacuzzi for only me and Jungkook. 'Fine' I just answered. I picked out my bikini - a pretty simple, black bikini (it has to be black, obviously). When I was done, I grabbed my towel and went back downstairs and out to the garden. I left my towel in a corner somewhere and started looking for Jungkook. He was standing by the edge of the pool, also looking for something. Or maybe someone. Damn, he just looks so good! Then he found the one he was looking for - me.

Hello there! Another little update, before I die in school :( Just kidding, I'll probably be fine. Anyways, I hope you liked this new chapter!

See ya!

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