Coming Over | TaeJin | Part 3

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- Y/n, what's going on? Why are you shaking so much? Please, say something! He was terrified. I knew he would react like that though. He hasn't seen me like that before.

- P-please d-do s-something... I said in between my heavy breaths, barely able to speak.

- What can I do? Do you need anything? He kept asking me questions, but I was unable to form words. He then decided to do at least something.

He tried to get me up from the floor and laid me down on the sofa. He left me for a little while, going back to y/f/n, trying to get him up as well and laying him down on the bed in the spare bedroom. He then came back to me, got me off of the sofa and laid me this time on his bed, in his bedroom. He laid down beside me, covering us with the covers. He hugged me tightly, whispering in my ear:

- Please, y/n, try to understand what I'm going to say. When you wake up tomorrow, you're probably going to remember this moment. And I want you to remember it. Because I love you, I really love you. And I want you to feel safe in my arms, I want to be the person that calms you down. I want to know about your panic attacks that I just saw you go through and I want to know everything else about you.

His words actually calmed me down. I stopped shaking, I stopped crying, I started breathing normally. But I didn't have any time to think about anything, because I fell asleep...

*time skip, the next morning*

I got woken up by feeling someone laying an arm around me. I turned around, seeing y/c/n in front of me. I got a bit scared, but then I tried to think back to what happened last night. Oh yeah, I had a panic attack and we fell asleep together. He said he loved me... He was awake, so I decided to ask him...

- Wait, so you love me?!

- Yes, sweetheart. I do. You remember my words from last night, right? He asked. I blushed a bit at the nickname.

- Yeah, I do. You said you loved me and that you want me to feel safe in your arms and other stuff. But did you actually mean that?

- Yeah, of course, I do. Do you really think I would lie to you?

- Well, y/f/n did say I was cute and stuff, then he just stopped liking me...

- That's just because he's an idiot. He just doesn't know what he's missing...

He hugged me tightly, kissing my lips softly. I snuggled into the crook of his neck, just staying still for a while. Until y/f/n came in and destroyed our cute little moment.

Hi guys! It has been a while since I updated. So I'm doing a quick upload. I can't believe how much this "book" has expanded, we're almost at a 1 000 reads! Hope you had a nice weekend, see ya!

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