Short Scenarios #1

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So I have a couple of stories ready, so I'm gonna put 2 into this "chapter" and maybe next week I'll post another 2. I'm working every day on new stories to make sure I don't leave you hanging :)


It has been a week since you confessed your feelings to your crush, Jungkook. Luckily, he felt the same and he asked you out on a date the same day. Even though you had been good friends with Jungkook for a long time, you were still really shy around him for some reason. You were at his house at the moment, just hanging out and doing all the cute things that couples do. You baked some cookies together, you put on face masks and watched a movie. It was kind of late at this point, so you decided to go get a quick shower before snuggling up with Jungkook in bed.

- Hey, JK, I'm just gonna go get a shower real quick, you said to Jungkook as you got up from the couch.

- Ok, I'll go to the bedroom and wait for you there then, he answered while pecking your lips before walking upstairs.

*time skip*

After your refreshing shower, you walked upstairs to his bedroom. As you opened the door and walked in, you accidentally saw Jungkook shirtless, only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants.

- Omg, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you would be changing! You exclaimed as you covered your red face in embarrassment.

- Why are you apologizing? It's not a crime to see me shirtless! He said as he moved your hands, showing your blushing face.

- I-I'll just come back when you've changed, you said as you tried to walk out of the room, not looking at his muscular torso.

- Nope, you're not going anywhere, he said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him.

You were close to him. Closer than you ever had before. You blushed heavily, looking down at the floor.

- You're so cute when you blush, Jungkook said as he lifted your head and made you look at him.

He then wrapped his muscular and veiny arms tightly around your waist, really pressing you up against his body. His face started getting closer to yours and you leaned in and waited for your lips to meet his in a sweet kiss. That kiss slowly turned into a hot make-out session. Jungkook started walking backward, reaching his bed and trying to lay down with you. You landed on top of him, straddling his waist, your hands on his amazing abs. You started blushing again. You leaned down, hiding your blushing face in the crook of his neck.

- How are you so adorable? Jungkook said as he pecked your cheek and patted your head, playing with your hair. You giggled at his cute comment.

- Aren't you going to get up and change clothes? You asked as you sat up straight, still straddling his waist.

- Nah, I prefer sleeping shirtless actually, he answered while smirking.

- Also, don't you want to enjoy this beautiful view? He continued.

- W-well, I do... You answer shyly.

- You know, you should get used to seeing me like this. And naked, he whispered in your ear.

- Why do you have such a dirty mind! You exclaim as you hit his chest playfully.


It was a calm afternoon in mid-October. I was watching Netflix in the living room of my apartment, covered in blankets and surrounded by a bunch of pillows on my couch. I was waiting for my boyfriend, Jimin, to come home from work. He works at a nearby coffee shop in the area. But for some reason, he worked longer than usual today. I decided to text Jimin, asking him if he knew when he'll come home. He texted back, saying that he's soon done. Then, he asked if I wanted anything from the shop. After thinking for a second, I decided to get a caramel macchiato/Cappucino (either/or) and two birthday cake cake-pops. A couple of minutes later, I notice that Jimin sent me a video with the message "I made your order, so I'm on my way home, sweetie". The video showed him making my coffee and getting my order ready. I smiled widely seeing Jimin's cute hands making my coffee so perfectly. I excitedly waited for him to arrive, I couldn't wait to see his beautiful smile (and just him overall) and hug him tightly.

*15 minutes later*

I finally heard the sound of the keys in the lock of our door.

- Baby, I'm home! Jimin exclaimed as he walked into the apartment.

- Chim Chim! I exclaimed as well, putting my hands up in the air out of happiness.

- I've got you your order, here you go, he says as he pecked me on the lips and gave me my coffee and paper bag with the cake-pops.

He took off his shoes and jacket and joined me on the couch.

- How was your day? He asked as he smiled sweetly.

- It has been good, but it's been boring without you, I said as I made a pouty face.

- Aw, I'm so sorry babe. I couldn't do much. But now that I'm here, should we maybe find something to watch as you sip on your coffee?

- Sure! Can we also cuddle later?

- How could I say no to that?

The rest of the night we stayed on the couch, watching movies and spending some time together in the coziest and cutest way ever.

Guys! I'm back with some short stories, hope you like them. I decided to do JiKook, because why not. I didn't know how to end the stories, so they are ended awkwardly. But I have been "working" till midnight the past two days to rewrite the stories I wrote by hand on vacation into the final ones that I'm going to post. Anyways, hope you enjoy it! See ya!

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