Comfort | Kim Namjoon | Part 4 (The End)

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- Does it hurt? RM asked, worried.

- Only a bit, don't worry. I'll stay seated, for now, I answered.

After around 5 minutes, RM served four, perfectly fried, pancakes. He handed me the maple syrup and blueberries. I was really hungry, so I ate them up quickly. We made a couple more and ate them together. After eating, I went back to the sofa (with the help of my lovely crutches) while RM took care of the dishes. It was really interesting to see RM in the kitchen, doing all the chores. The rest of the day was pretty calm - we sat all day on the couch, playing games, and watching movies. RM got me whatever I wanted, even though I insisted I could get it myself. But I really love how much he takes care of me, he could've just said: "Do it yourself, woman". But he didn't... That's why I love him~


Hi guys! I haven't been on Wattpad for like half a year, and since I got one of my friends to like BTS, I decided to post some more content to enjoy lol. This was the end of 'Comfort', and it turned out shorter than I thought so I'll do a double update today! See ya in the next part!

~ MoonChild

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