Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 4

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-  Y-yes! I answered, very happy. I would never think that I would be in a relationship with Suga. He's so much boyfriend material. 

-  Really? Thank you! He said, still not believing that I actually said 'yes'.  

He hugged me tight and kissed me on the forehead. I felt so safe in his embrace.

- You know what? He asked me.

- What?

- I actually have something else to tell you...

- Okay...

- No one else knows this, apart from me and my parents. I want you to know it as well. I am a vampire.

- W-what?

- Yeah. I hope you won't change your mind now and decide to leave me. I won't bite you if you don't want to. And I won't turn you into a vampire without your permission.

- No, I wouldn't leave you! It just shocked me. But I still love you, Suga.

- Thanks, I thought you would get really scared and leave me or something. But I love you too, baby.

Suga once again hugged me and kissed me passionately. After a while, he broke the kiss and asked me:

- But if I asked you to be my blood, would you say yes? I'm not saying that you have to, it would just be good for me to know. We can wait.

- No, it's fine. I'll let you. I actually wanted to feel how it is to be bitten by a vampire.

- Can I bite you now? I really need some blood right now...

- Y-yeah. But won't I turn into a vampire myself?

- No, you won't. I will only drink your blood. I would have to inject my venom into your bloodstream to turn you into a vampire, baby. And don't be scared, it will just hurt a bit. But hold onto me, and if you don't want to, I'll stop.

- Okay...

I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, I was scared. But I wanted to know how it feels. Yoongi started by kissing me on the lips, then on the cheek and on my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck.

I shut my eyes tightly and could feel how he opened his mouth and bit down on my neck. Tears started to flow down my face from the pain, but it soon went away. Instead, I started feeling dizzy and weak, my legs couldn't support my body anymore. All my muscles got limb. I held onto Yoongi's neck even tighter. He soon took out his fangs and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly to hold me stable. He looked at me and said:

- Sorry baby if it hurt a lot, but your blood tastes so good. Now, you will feel weak and tired after such blood loss. Let's get you to bed, babe.

He lifted me up bridal style, and laid me on his bed and laid beside me while covering us both with the covers. He came closer to me, wrapped his arms around me and laid my arms around him.

- Goodnight, baby. See you tomorrow...

I fell asleep...

Another little cliffhanger... I hope you like this episode of 'Vampire Lovers'!

See ya soon, love ya!

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