The Date | Jeon Jungkook | Part 2

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A year later, I went back to the little village I had visited. The whole Jeon family got really happy about that, especially Jungkook, that was planning something (I obviously didn't know anything). I had arrived and gotten the keys to the house, so I got my bags and went and opened the house. When I walked in, I saw something on the little coffee table in the living room. It was a box, wrapped nicely with a big bow on top. I opened the box and saw a smaller box inside. The little box looked like something you would store jewelry in and I wasn't wrong. Inside, was a beautiful, golden necklace with a heart pendant that had my initials written onto it. I was really shocked (in a good way). I took the necklace out and looked at it a bit closer.

- Do you like it? I heard a voice behind me. I recognized that voice...

- Jungkook?! I asked while turning around.

- Yeah, who else? He said, looking at me with a bright smile on his face.

- I missed you! I said as I hugged him.

- Maybe I could help you with the necklace? He offered.

- Sure! I said.

I gave him the necklace, turned around and moved my long hair out of the way. He put it around my neck, clipping it at the back.

- It fits you really well, he said when he was done.

- It's beautiful! Was this your idea? I asked him, not believing he really got it for me.

- Of course! He said, smiling even bigger, showing his cute bunny teeth.

I thanked him with another hug and then we spent the rest of the evening just talking about everything that had been going on since we met the year before. He talked about wanting to visit the country I live in at the moment. I said it would be awesome and that he could sleep in my apartment and I could show him around. We were planning everything that we would do, even if we didn't know if it would be possible.


It was a Saturday morning and I was already up and going crazy. I was cleaning my apartment, making sure it looked good and then going to fix how I look. Jungkook is coming to visit me today! He will stay at my apartment for a week and I'm really excited but also stressed. When I finally got myself together, I checked my phone and saw a message from Jungkook, from five minutes ago...

<from Kookie>

I'm going to arrive in about an hour, so I hope you'll be waiting for me! See ya soon!

An hour... It takes about 30 minutes to go to the airport from where I live, so I still had some time to fix the last couple of things. Then, it was time for me to go. I grabbed my jacket and my purse and headed out...

About thirty minutes later...

I arrived at the airport and was looking at the big TV screens to see where I was supposed to meet up Jungkook. 'Gate 6'. I saw the plane landing and driving up to the gate. Then, I saw big doors open and saw passengers going by.

Hey guys! I'm back again and I decided to post this instead of another pair of short scenarios. Also, I was checking out all the chapters and it seems like 'The Pool Party' was a hit! It had up to 31 reads, which is pretty amazing for such a small Wattpad-writer like me. And we hit 1700 reads on the whole story, thank you so much! See ya!

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