The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 3

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I just smiled at him, then looked down at my phone and went to the jacuzzi. I got in carefully, sat down and closed my eyes. It was so nice and relaxing. A few seconds later, I felt the water move, so I opened my eyes. I saw Jungkook sitting beside me, looking at me.

- What is it? I asked confused.

- What? What do you mean? He said.

- Well, you were looking at me... I started blushing. Shoot, why do I always have to be so embarrassing around him...

- Because you're beautiful, he answered. Just like that! Not embarrassed at all!

- No, I'm not... Jungkook knows about my insecurities. He knows that I don't think I'm beautiful. He knows all that shit.

- You know what? I have to tell you something.

- Okay? What is it?

- I really think you're a beautiful girl, and I don't want you to feel insecure about your body. That's why I want to know If you want to be my girlfriend?

- Would you really want to be together with someone like- wait WHAT?!

- Yes, of course, I would choose you over any other girl. So, what's your answer?

- Y-yes!! Yes!

- Oof, that's a weight off of my shoulders...

- Well, you want to know something funny?

- What?

- I actually was planning to tell you as well, but I guess you were braver than me.

- I think the guy should be the one to do the first move... Anyways, maybe we could go to your room for a while...

- Why do you want to go to my room?

- Well, I want some privacy... And don't think I'm a pervert. I just want to hang out with only you for a while.

- Okay, let's go!

We got out of the jacuzzi and as we walked by the pool, Jungkook wrapped his arm around my waist. It felt so weird, but also so right. When we got to my room, I closed the door behind me. When I turned around, Jungkook pushed me harshly against the door. I got a bit scared and he started to lean in. Then, it just happened. He kissed me. That was actually my first kiss. It started with just a peck, then it evolved into a kiss and later on into a whole frickin' make-out session. He then lifted me up, and walked up to my bed, layed me carefully down on my bed and asked...

A cliffhanger! Hi guys, btw. Hope you liked this chapter of 'The Pool Party'! But you'll have to wait for the next one... hehe

Love u guys, see ya!

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