The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 4

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- Do you want to do it?

- I-i mean... Yeah... I answered, kind of scared. I'm still a virgin.

- It's your first time, isn't it? He asked the question I didn't really want to answer. I mean, I wanted him to know, but it just felt so weird. I'm probably not his first, but whatever... But I just nodded shyly as an answer.

- I will be careful, trust me. I may look like someone that has raped a thousand girls or something, but I haven't. You are actually my first as well. He said. How can he not be embarrassed? And he hasn't had a girlfriend before? Wow.

- Really? I thought you had a least one girlfriend before me...

- I had one, but she just wanted to be with me because she wanted to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. So we didn't really do anything. We didn't even kiss.

- Oh... well-

Jungkook interrupted me with another deep kiss, he's a good kisser ;)

- So... let's just maybe take this off, shall we... He said with a smirk on his face.

*let your imagination just go wild a bit here*

After we were done, I got up and decided to wear my dress again.

- You know, Y/N, you're pretty naughty by wearing that dress, Jungkook suddenly said.

- Why? Don't you like it? I asked him.

- I love it, but you make me excited ;) Also, I don't want any other dude to look at you because of that dress. You're mine and only mine. You understand that, babe?

- But I only love you! If you take care of me and protect me, then no other "dude" will get to me.

- I will always protect you, whenever I'm with you.

- Well, maybe let's get going and go back to the party.

- What are we going to do now?

- We can play "Truth or Dare" and after that, we'll play "Spin the Bottle". But...

- But what?

- I don't want it to be obvious that... we're in a relationship...

- Well, if on "Truth or Dare" you choose dare, and if it is like "kiss Jungkook" or "make out with Jungkook", just look like you're embarrassed about it and kind of nervous about it, you know?

- Ok, deal. Let's go!

We went down to the living room, and I walked up to the speakers and grabbed the mic. I told everybody to come into the living room because we were going to play "Truth or Dare", but that I wanted some 'spicy' questions and dares ;) Everybody sat down on couches, chairs or even on the floor...

*time skip, a while into the game*

So, it has been a while and the game has already been so interesting. We didn't have many dares yet, but a lot of good questions. But then it was my friends turn, and she said:

- Y/N, truth or dare?

I got a bit shocked, but I thought I want to be brave, I'll choose-

Dare! I said.

- Okay, let's see... You have to...

Hi guys! Hope you liked this part of 'The Pool Party'. I let your mind think extra hard this time ;) See ya soon!

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