Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 6

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Later in the day, we had math. That meant, that we had a math test. I was very nervous because I have never been good at math. I have always had bad grades in math. This time, I had really tried to understand everything but I was still very nervous that I would fail.

- Suga... I asked, very quietly.

- Babe, what is it?! Is there something wrong? Yoongi asked while looking at me worryingly and hugging me tightly.

- I'm scared that I'm going to fail my math test... I said, really nervous about what he would answer.

- Oh, baby. You don't have to worry... You will write as good as you can, but I'm sure you won't fail this time. I know that you're smart, and you can do this. I will always help you if you need any help. I'm always here for you, he answered.

- But... I'm scared that you will leave me... if I have bad grades... I answered. I felt how my legs were starting to get weak. I wrapped my arms around Yoongi's neck and held on tightly.

- What?! Do you really think that I will leave you because you have bad grades?

- Well... I don't know...

- I would never be able to do that. I love you for your personality, not for how smart you are and if you have good grades. I love you, for who you are. And I will never leave.

- Really??

- Yes, really. I promise.

You hugged him tightly and thought of the words he said. You have never known anyone, that would support you in this kind of way. But you really needed this support, this kindness. This love... You broke the hug, looked straight into his eyes and said:

- Thank you, I love you too. Oh, we should get going. Our lessons will start in a few minutes.

- Good luck, baby. I know you will pass this test. I believe in you!

- Good luck to you, too. See you afterward!

- Bye! Yoongi lastly said, before pecking me on the lips and going into his classroom, while I went to mine. We are in different classrooms because we are in different groups in math, on different levels in other words. I went to my seat, and we got the tests. I looked through all the questions, and it seemed like I knew everything. So, I just started...

*time skip*

40 minutes later, I was done. It felt good, it felt like I had mostly everything right. I gave the test to my teacher, grabbed my things and walked out of the classroom. I went to my locker, left my things there and decided to look for Yoongi, but I couldn't see him anywhere. Suddenly, there was something that covered my eyes. I screamed a little, but then I felt that it was a pair of hands.

- If you guess correctly, you will get a surprise, the person whispered in my ear.

- Yoongi? I asked, still scared and shocked.

Then the person quickly turned me around, pushed me against the lockers and kissed me. Deeply. Passionately. At that moment, I knew it was Yoongi. I felt it, it was a sweet Suga-kiss. He broke the kiss and I opened my eyes. There he was, the love of my life. A vampire, that I am in love with. I just remembered that I had been thinking about something, pretty important:

- Yoongi, I have something to talk to you about... I said. He just made a confused expression.

- What is it? He asked.

- Well, it's pretty important. But it's nothing we can take here... we're still at school.

- Ok, but have I done something or?

- No, it's just... It's an important thing, it's hard to describe.

- Ok, let's take when we're home.

We only had one lesson left, and then I would be able to tell him...

Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter! And also, I really hope the new story "The Pool Party", 'cause I tried really hard to make it well. See you soon!

Also, I'm going back to school soon, so the updates will not be as often again :(

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