The Date | Jeon Jungkook | Part 5 (The End)

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We were walking around the city, going into different shops and getting nice snacks. It was already getting darker, we have been taking a bunch of pictures of us and also the wonderful landscape - the city in the evening. After a while, it started getting colder. I was shivering all over my body, rubbing my arms to try and warm up. Jungkook took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders.

- Thanks, I said as I hugged him. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we started going back to my apartment.

- Did you have a good date? He asked.

- Of course! I loved it! It's sad that you have to go back home soon, though... I said, pouting.

- But I'll visit you as often as I can. I'll look for a better job so we can buy a house so we can live together.

- Naw, why are you always so kind!

- I'll do anything for the love of my love...

I kissed his cheek, hugging him tightly. I have never felt this loved in my life. And it makes me so happy to know that my boyfriend, Jungkook, wants to do so many good things to make our relationship better. That just shows that he loves me, he isn't playing with my feelings like all the other guys I've liked.

The End


Hey guys! This chapter was very short, I thought there was more of the story left before the end, but I was wrong :(

So I thought to make it a double upload to make up for it! I hope you enjoyed this story and I'll see ya in the next part of "Comfort"!

- MoonChild

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