The Lake at Midnight | Jeon Jungkook | Part 1

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My mind was filled with thoughts. Stressful thoughts. Too many at once. I had been sitting in my room, by my desk, for the past 3 hours trying to finish all the work I had been procrastinating. Everything was going quite smoothly until I came upon the last project. I couldn't seem to be able to get going with it. My mind had come to a stop. I started stressing over it, even though I knew that wouldn't help the whole situation. There was one last thing I could do at this point...

I grabbed my backpack and packed some of my essentials: a notebook, pencil case, cassette player, and headphones. It was time to go outside, let my mind rest from all the stressful work, and focus on something else for a while. Usually, when I need some time to relax, I go to a water tower nearby and sit by a tree behind the tower. I get a beautiful view of the open fields and the forest-covered mountains.

I decided to take my bike and make my way over to where the tower was standing. I locked my bike and walked in the tall grass. It was late in the afternoon, around 6 pm, but the sun was still shining. The sky was a gorgeous transition from orange, to pink, to lavender purple. The clouds had an orange tint to them. Just looking at my surroundings made all the negative thoughts go away. I sat down in the grass, leaning against the tree I sat in front of. Pulling out my notebook and a pen, I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to come up with a new scene, a new scenario, that I could have as a base for another story of mine. I've had a passion for writing for a couple of years now and don't seem to get bored with it.

I quickly came up with an idea and started brainstorming, writing down short bits and pieces of what would become a story soon enough. When I had my main idea written down, I was about to grab my cassette player and headphones to listen to some music, but something stopped me. I heard footsteps approaching, walking through that same tall grass. 

- I see that I'm not the only one in need of some fresh air and quietness, a voice said from behind the tower...

A/N: Hello there guys! It has been a while, hasn't it? I've been writing a story or two by hand and I've just started to re-write them and finishing them up slowly. This was one of them! I came up with it after watching "Call Me By Your Name" for the second time lol. I hope you enjoy it and until next time! See ya!


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