My Hero | Jung Hoseok | Part 2

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- Well, I think I got my knee out of place or something, 'cause I can barely walk, I told all of my friends.

- Should we help you? Maybe you would like some help? My friends started asking me, probably very concerned about my health.

- No, not really. Hopefully, it won't be too painful, I answered.

Just then, when I wanted to take a step and start going to my locker, my knee started hurting really badly. I hissed at the pain and bent over while holding the knee support. One of my friends stood up, grabbed my arm and laid it over their shoulder so I could hold on as support. They lead me to my locker, I grabbed the things I needed for our next lesson, which was English. I tried walking normally to the classroom and my friends were walking beside me to make sure everything was okay.

We had to wait for the teacher to come and Hoseok took one of my friends and walked away from the rest of us. I saw they were talking about something, but I didn't hear anything. They came back just as the teacher was locking up the door and one of my friends helped me. She said we would sit in the back so we could talk a little bit without the teacher noticing. She sat me one seat away from the edge of the long table. I looked at her confused, like, why couldn't I sit on the edge? Then, Hoseok came and started looking for something, or someone. When he saw me, he quickly walked in my direction and sat down on the empty space beside me. That's why my friends picked out my seat...

We talked through the whole lesson pretty much. Hoseok was asking me the whole time if it was okay or if I was in pain. He was also acting all weird, he wanted to talk to me the whole time and almost didn't let me talk to the rest of my friends. After the lesson, we had an hour-long break before lunch-break. We wanted to go on a quick walk, so I quickly checked my knee support and fixed the straps before we started walking. It was just me, two of my friends and of course, Hoseok. After a couple of steps, it came back. The terrible pain. I stopped and felt the pain spread from my knee to the rest of my leg, making it pretty much impossible to walk. The pain this time was really bad, so bad there were tears rolling down my cheeks. My best friend quickly ran up to me and said:

- You can't walk if it hurts this much. I can give you a piggyback ride.

- Are you kidding me? I'm going to hurt your back! I'm too heavy! I answered, looking at her with wide-open eyes.

- What are you gonna do then? Walk in pain, jump on one leg? She asked me. I didn't know, really.

- I'll just go back inside and sit down somewhere, you can go without me, I answered her, a bit sad because I wanted to go with them so badly.

Hi guys! Hope you like the new chapter! I'm getting kind of stressed out because I have a bunch of ideas for new stories but I don't always feel like writing, so I'm running low on stories. But, hopefully, everything is gonna go back to normal soon! See ya!

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