The Date | Jeon Jungkook | Part 1

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~The beginning...

Jungkook and I met a couple of years ago when I was on vacation. I was going to visit my native country but decided to go to a city or village I always wanted to see. And that was apparently the city Jungkook lived in. On the internet, I found this family that could rent you a little house where you could sleep as you're on your vacation. The little houses were behind their own house, so if you needed anything you could easily go and ask them. ~

When I arrived, I got welcomed by Mrs. Jeon, which was a very kind woman that was the main owner of the houses and the person who started this whole idea. His family, that consists of her husband, her son, and daughter, only helped with cleaning the houses and taking care of the guests if Mrs. Jeon wasn't available. She showed me the house and showed me around a bit. The house was beautifully decorated inside and it was built completely out of wood (apart from like isolation and stuff). It was so cozy inside with a small kitchen together with a living room and bathroom and upstairs were two little bedrooms. Mrs. Jeon told me that I'm free to ask her questions if I needed to. I was supposed to stay in the village for two weeks, so I was really excited to see nature and new places and of course, meeting new people.

It was a couple into my wonderful vacation and it had happened quite a lot. I got to know Mrs. Jeon a bit more, so we just go by each other's names. We got really close so she would sometimes come to my little house and just sit outside and talk about everything and nothing. She also introduced me to the rest of her family. Mr. Jeon, her daughter Ji Yoo and her son, Jungkook. Jungkook is actually as old as me, so we became very good friends. I loved when he would come over and just talk about how it is to kind of "work" for his mother, but how he enjoyed it at the same time. One evening, he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him, which I agreed to happily. He showed me around his village, we went and bought some ice cream and had just an awesome evening.

Then, sadly, my vacation was coming to an end. I promised both Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook that I would call or send a message from time to time. Mostly, because I really enjoyed my vacation and they made it so much better.

Hey guys! I hope you'll enjoy this story and (as usual) I'm working on new stories, which are turning out really good. But I'm very slow and I'm not really in the mood so...

See ya!

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