My Hero | Jung Hoseok | Part 1

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~It was time to go back to school after your vacation. You didn't want to go back though, because that meant you had to walk around in pain...~


You had a wonderful time on your vacation in Spain. It was 2 days before you had to go back home. After having a lot of fun bathing in the ocean, you came back to your hotel room and decided to shower and then just chill out before dinner. After a few hours in the hotel room, it was finally time for dinner. You were starving, so you wanted to quickly go and put on some clothes. When you were about to take a step, you felt a huge pain in your left knee. You fell right to the floor and you felt tears start to form in your eyes. You didn't know what to really do, but you tried calming down and getting back up. You slowly got back up and tried to walk. It was hard and painful, but you had to survive the last couple of days somehow.

*End of flashback*

I really didn't want to go back to school. I knew it would be really hard for me to be able to even survive a normal day in this kind of pain. But I had contacted a doctor and he gave me this knee support that he told me to wear to school but then take it off at home so my knee muscles wouldn't get out of shape, pretty much. It was really big and clunky, I had to strap it around my thigh and below my knee. The support stopped from twisting my knee in a weird way and bending it too far back.

*First day of school*

I woke up when my alarm started ringing. I tried to get up slowly so I wouldn't hit my knee. I immediately grabbed a pair of pants, put them on and then strapped the knee support around my leg. It felt weird to walk around with it, but I have to until the pain goes away or my doctor decides anything else. I went to get myself done, then packed my bag and grabbed my keys while walking out the door and locking after me.

When I arrived at school, I walked into the corridor and walked to my locker. I left all my things and started looking for my friends. They were sitting on a sofa a bit from my locker, so I decided to walk up to them and hug them. We haven't seen each other for a month, so obviously I missed them all. My crush was also sitting there. Even my crush, Jung Hoseok, hugged me, but then he looked worried at my leg and the knee support I had on.

- What happened? Why are you wearing that weird thing? He asked with a very worried voice. 

Hi guys! This is the new story! It is kinda short, but I'm working on (hopefully) a really good one. But I hope this isn't too bad. Also, I wanted to update twice today :)

See ya!

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