Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 2

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< From: Unknown>

Hi! It's me, Suga.

Oh, hi!

Can I ask you something?


Can you send me a photo of our timetable? I just want to check what subjects we have.

Of course. I'll send it in just a sec...

So you sent Suga a photo of your timetable, and then just kept texting with him. You started to learn more things about him, and you told him a bit about yourself. It started getting late, so you wrote him goodnight and went to take a shower, then go to bed.

After a few weeks, you and Suga became best friends and often went to hang out after school. You got closer and closer but always stayed as friends. But one day, everything changed. 

- Hi Y/N! What are you doing after school today? Suga asked me after our math lesson. It was a Friday, which meant that I would probably just spend the evening on my own.

- Nothing, really. Why? I asked.

- Would you like to hang out tonight? We could be at my house and if you want to you can stay overnight. He asked me, and I could see the excitement in his eyes.

- Sure! I just need to go home to pack a few things, and then we can go to your house.

- Perfect!

*time skip because I'm lazy*

Suga and I went to our lockers, and I grabbed my bag.

- I'll pick you when you're done, just text me! Suga says. I can tell he is really excited. I was also very excited.

- Sure! See you! I answer.

I started going home. The day was really tiring, but imagining all the things we could to at Suga's place made me really excited. When I got home, I just packed an extra pair of pants and a t-shirt, toothbrush, and some other important things. I texted Suga that I was done, and soon I saw him pull up in my driveway in his nice black Audi. I walk out, and he gets out of his car.

- Are you excited about tonight? Because I am! Suga says. I have never seen him this excited before.

- Of course, I am! I love hanging out with you! You're my best friend, how could I not be excited to be with my best friend? I ask him, so excited to hang out with him.

- I'm happy to hear that from you. Jump in!

So, I get into his car, he starts the engine and droves off to his house. After a few minutes, we stopped by his house, and he got out the car quickly to go and open my door. I thought that he was so cute!

- Thanks, I said.

- No problem. I've learned one thing from my mom. And that's to take care of any girl I meet like she's the queen or something, he says. I felt kind of special...

- That's cute... I appreciate it.

Here we go again... Decided to post 2 today, why not. Forgot to post on Friday, AGAIN. There was a lot going on this Friday and all of it was not good things... But forget that, I hope you like this story!

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