Studying | RM | Part 5 (The End)

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- Oh boy, I'm so tired. My whole body hurts, I complained. My whole body was aching, and I was too lazy to do anything. I just wanted to fall asleep.

- I could give you a massage and get you to relax, he offered.

- That would be perfect right now, I answered.

I turned around and layed on my stomach, while RM sat beside me, starting to knead my shoulders and going all the way down to my butt. It felt really good, it relaxed me a lot and all of the pain disappeared. RM then grabbed my hips, turned me around and leaned over me.

- Are you feeling better, baby? He asked.

- Yeah, much better, I said with a big smile on my face. He pecked me on the lips.

- Shall we go to sleep? It has been a long day for both me and you, he said.

I was already falling asleep, so he just laid down beside me and fell asleep as well.

The End

I just noticed how short this chapter is so I'm going to give you a little teaser for a new story...

The beginning...

Jungkook and I met a couple of years ago when I was on vacation. I was going to visit my native country but decided to go to a city or village I always wanted to see. And that was apparently the city Jungkook lived in. On the internet, I found this family that could rent you a little house where you could sleep as you're on your vacation. The little houses were behind their own house, so if you needed anything you could easily go and ask them.

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