The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 2

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- No, really? OMG, I'm so happy for you two! My friend answered. Then the rest of Jimin's friends came, and they all high-fived each other, while I hugged all of my friends.

- Y/N, you ready? I'll take you home, Jimin said after that our friends said goodbye to us.

- Yeah, let's go, I said. We intertwined our hands, and he started walking towards the back entrance of the school.

While we were walking, I thought, how is he going to get me home? He doesn't have a car, cause' he's too young to get one. I live far away from our school, so I normally take the bus to and from school. But then we arrived at the parking lot, and he walked up to a black and dark blue dirt bike. He picked up a matte black helmet and handed me it while taking another one and putting it on. So I did the same. But I had never used a helmet like that because I don't own a dirt bike. Jimin noticed that, so he came towards me, lifted my chin up and closed the straps underneath. He sat on the bike and started backing up. Then, he said:

- Sit down behind me, and hold tightly around my waist.

So I did as he told me. I had never been on a dirt bike before, so I held Jimin really tight because I was scared that I maybe would fall off. Then he started the bike and drove off.

**time skip**

So we arrived at my house, and I got off the dirt bike together with Jimin.

- Aren't your parents at home? He asked because there were no cars on our driveway.

- Yeah, my parents went on a 2-week vacation. They left this week, I answered, kind of sad because I had to be alone at home all the time.

- I can stay overnight if you want to, he said while looking at me with a little smile.

- Sure! By the way, thank you for bringing me home.

- No problem! I have to take care of my girlfriend and make sure she gets home safely!

I blushed at his words. I never thought anybody would ever call me their girlfriend.

- You're so cute when you blush, he said while pecking me on the cheek, and wrapping his arm around my waist.

We walked to my house, and I lead Jimin into my bedroom upstairs.

- Wow, you have a really nice room! Jimin said.

- Oh, thanks! So, what do you want to do? I asked him.

- Um, maybe we can watch a movie?

- Perfect!

We sat on my bed, and I turned on my TV, went on Netflix and started looking for a good movie. I chose "Twilight".

**time skip**

We had watched about half of the movie when there was a make-out scene. Then, Jimin looked at me and I looked at him. We started leaning closer...

Hi Guys! Hope you like this new chapter of "The Dream"! Sorry for not updating, there's a lot going on at school now. But I'll post this chapter and a second chapter of "Me and Jungkook" in a few seconds!

See you!

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