Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 1

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You were just walking into school, you notice that there is a guy standing by your locker. You had never seen him before. But he was actually really handsome and seemed like a nice guy. You go to your locker, and the guy looks up from his phone and looks at you.

- Oh, hi! Is this your locker? He says as he points at your locker.

- Hi! Yes, it is. Are you new here? I ask.

- Yeah, I'm going to be in 9th grade, he answers.

- Really? Which one?

- 9c

- Great! That's the one that I go to! Have you been around the school?

- No, I haven't had the opportunity.

- I can show you around if you want to?

- Sure! Thank you.

- No problem. Let's go before our lesson starts.

- Um... I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Min Yoongi. But call me Suga.

- Oh, I'm Y/N.

So you and Yoongi, or Suga, start to walk around the school and you show him where you have biology, chemistry, math, English and so on.

**time skip**

You look at your phone and see that your lesson will start in about two minutes.

- Our lesson starts soon. We should go to our classroom, you tell Suga.

- What subject? He asks.

- English, I answer.

I go to my locker, grab my English books and go with Suga to our classroom. Our teacher comes in and tells everybody that we have a new boy in our class. Suga is standing in the front of the classroom besides our teacher. He introduces himself, and our teacher decides that he can sit beside me. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. He sat down beside me, and the lesson started...

**time skip**

End of the day

The school-day has finally ended. I start packing my things, but suddenly someone tapped me on my back...

- Hey, Y/N... Suga says as I turn around.

- Suga, you scared me! Anyways, what is it? Everything okay? I ask him, a bit concerned.

- Sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to ask you if I could get your phone number? He asked me while showing me his adorable gummy smile.

- Sure! Here, here's my phone. I hand him my phone, and he writes down my number on his phone.

- Thanks! I'll text you later! See you tomorrow!

- Okay, Bye!

We wave at each other, and then I start going home.

When I got home, I heard that I got a message. I took out my phone and checked who it was. When I first looked at the number, I didn't know who it was. But then I figured it out...

Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating in a loong time, but school is really a pain in the ass. I'm just trying to get all these tests and exams good... But I'm going to try to go back to my weekly schedule, so an episode each week. We'll see. But I hope you like this story!

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