Comfort | Kim Namjoon | Part 1

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It was a normal Friday afternoon. It was already pretty dark while I was on my way to RM's, my boyfriends, house. I was walking down the street, in complete quietness. There was not a single soul outside. I was a bit scared to be walking this late, but I didn't have any other way of going to RM's house. When I turned right, I was in the street where RM lives. Then, out of nowhere, I saw two silhouettes. They approaching me. I got a bit creeped out, so I started walking faster. But I didn't get past them...

- What is a young girl like you doing outside when it's so dark? One of them asked me as he stopped me.

- I-I'm going to my f-friend's house, I answered, not wanting to tell them the truth.

- Oh, really? Well, it's not safe for you to be alone like this... The other guy said. He started getting closer, grabbing my wrist.

- Hey, leave me alone! I said, trying to get out of his grip.

- You're not going anywhere, b*tch!

He let go of my wrist and hit me in the face. I fell over, landing on my knees. They grabbed my hair, pulled my head back and hit me even more. They kicked me in the stomach. I was laying on the cold ground, getting hit everywhere. Crying. It felt like everything was going in slow-motion as if it would never end. But after a while, they stopped.

- Hope you have a good time at your friend's house, one of the guys said before leaving me there, in the middle of the street.

I stayed on the ground for a while, crying, trying to calm down. My whole body ached. I slowly got up on my shaky legs, having trouble with standing up straight. I touch my forehead, feeling something drip down. I look at my hand. It was blood. My eye felt like it was swollen, my mouth was bleeding a bit as well. My stomach hurt the most, though. Slowly, I walked to RM's house.

It took me a good 20 minutes, where it usually takes me around 5, to arrive at his house. When I finally stood in front of the door, I pressed the little button on the doorbell. He opened the door with a smile, but it immediately disappeared when he saw me beat up.

- B-baby... He stuttered, not knowing what to say. I started crying again, feeling the pain again.

He picked me up from where I was standing, walked inside and laid me down on his couch in the living room of his house. He took off the jacket I was wearing and my shoes and then ran to the kitchen to grab some towels and water. He came back to me and started to check all the bruises on my face.

- Baby, is it only the face or is it somewhere else? He asked, looking at me with a worried look, at the edge of crying. I pointed at my stomach.

He pulled up my hoodie and saw a bunch of bruises on my stomach as well. I probably just looked like a mess in his eyes - my face was destroyed, my arms and hands were scratched up, my stomach was bruised and my legs were also looking pretty bad. If I was him, I would've given up. But RM didn't give up. He started cleaning all the cuts and bruises, he put an ice pack on one of my knees because it was swollen. He put bandaids on the wounds that were still bleeding a bit. When he was done, he looked at me again.

- Who did this to you? Was it on your way here? He asked.

Hi guys! Since I posted a new book, I've been focusing a lot on that and haven't had the time to write anything for this one. I still have some stories I wrote earlier this year, but I can't guarantee that they're good. I hope you enjoy this one anyway! See ya!

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