Coming Over | TaeJin | Part 2

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- Hey, what's going on? Why are you crying? He asked, very worried over me.

- Everything's my fault... I mumbled, sobbing.

- No, it's not. You didn't do anything wrong. Trust me, y/c/n reassured me.

- Y/f/n is completely drunk, you're drunk, I'm the only sober one. How am I supposed to take care of both of you guys by myself?! I exclaimed, starting to feel a panic attack creeping upon me.

The guys don't know about my panic attacks, probably because I don't get them often. But when I do get an attack, I cry a lot, my body starts to shake a bit and my heart starts to beat very fast. I breathe unevenly and it's hard for me to calm down from a panic attack. The best thing someone can do in that kind of a situation is to be there, beside me, maybe even hug me.

- Listen, I'm gonna take care of y/f/n as much as I can, you just take it easy. You could maybe help me fix the bed he's gonna sleep in? He said, trying to keep himself conscious.

- Y-yeah I'll help you... I answered.

He took out some new bedsheets and I started taking off the old ones and putting on the new. I did calm down a bit, but then I heard y/f/n falling somewhere in the living room. My eyes got wide and I immediately ran to him. He was laying on the floor again, laughing like a crazy person. I got scared. Not only because he is already in a bad state, but because I predicted it could get worse. He tried to get up, walking to the kitchen saying "Give me some vodka" while going towards the fridge. I ran quickly and blocked the fridge. I was about to give up. What am I supposed to do? And that's when everything started. My panic attack came. It was my biggest nightmare.

My eyes got full of tears again, my breathing got uneven and heavy, I started shaking. I slid down the fridge, sitting down on the floor. I saw y/c/n walking out of the spare bedroom, going to the living room and pouring up some vodka in a glass, just straight vodka. I saw him empty the glass in just one second, then yelling at y/f/n. I knew that it would end like this. They would have rage problems sometimes, which meant they would scream at each other, hit the wall with their bare knuckles. I started crying louder, my face completely covered in tears. I was starting to get sweaty, still having trouble with breathing. I tried getting up, but that was impossible for me. I fell straight down to the floor again. Y/c/n heard me fall and saw me lying down on the floor, crying and shaking. 

Hi guys! I felt like updating today, so I did, simply. Hope you'll like this story and I'm very happy that this story is expanding so much and so many people are reading it! I love you all! See ya!

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