Bad Boy | YoonMin | Part 2

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We started the game slowly. Jimin asked me a simple question like "Who was your first ever crush?" and I said I was in second grade and I liked this guy that was like 4 years older than me and he already had a girlfriend. And we went around like that, and everyone chose Truth for now. After a couple of rounds, the guys said that we have to start choosing Dare, otherwise it will be boring. Jimin asked Yoongi 'Truth or Dare, he chose Dare and Jimin said: "I dare you to kiss Y/N". I immediately froze and started to blush. He looked at me and I was a bit scared, but I don't know why. I don't know if Yoongi knew I had a crush on him, but it didn't matter in that situation. I looked at him, he moved closer and started to lean in. Right before he was about to do it, Jimin interrupted and said: "But I don't want it to be a quick peck, it has to be a kiss, for at least 10 seconds". That scared me even more. I thought I could get it over with, but apparently, it would take more time than I anticipated. Yoongi then continued to lean in and after a second - our lips touched. It started with a simple peck, but then it got a bit heated. He started pretty much making out with me. We got into it, forgetting about our surroundings and the fact that Jimin was watching us make out. We got interrupted by Jimin...

- Okay, guys! That's enough! I didn't ask you to get so into it... he said as he looked at us both.

- S-sorry... I said. I always feel sorry and anxious after whatever I do and always apologize even if it's not my fault.

- Don't be sorry, I enjoyed it. You're a good kisser to be your first time, Yoongi said with a smirk on his face. So he knew...

He knew I hadn't had a boyfriend before. I was hoping that wouldn't be too obvious. It's embarrassing for some reason. But going back to what was going on, Yoongi stayed in the spot right beside me, our bodies touching. After a while, he even wrapped his arm around me! I was like fangirling inside. We played a couple more rounds and it was Jimin's turn again to ask someone.

- Y/N, truth or dare?

- I'll do dare, I said confidently.

- This time, I dare you to kiss me! Jimin said.

- W-what? Really? I asked, not wanting to kiss another guy. I like Jimin, but only as a friend. I liked Yoongi!

- Yes! Now, come here. Same rules as before, 10 seconds, Jimin continued.

I looked at Yoongi and he didn't look too happy. He almost seemed mad. But then I turned back to Jimin. He did the same thing - leaned in and kissed me. This time though, I didn't enjoy it at all. It didn't feel right. But Jimin was getting into it. When the time was over, Yoongi pulled me away from Jimin, leaving him shocked.

- Are you jealous again, bro? Jimin said to Yoongi.

- Maybe I am! He answered, still mad.

- Alright, maybe we should take a break? I need to go out and get some air... I said, trying to calm the situation down.

- Okay, Jimin said and stood up going to the kitchen to get something to drink. 

I should just clarify, that the guys were already a bit drunk and from what I know, they can get a bit angry when they're drunk. Anyways, I got up and went to put on my shoes, opening the door and walking outside. I stood there, finally being able to breathe fresh air and not all the smoke from the vapes. I heard the door opening behind me, so I turned around and saw Yoongi. He looked at me, walked out and stood beside me.

- Sorry for being mad, I just didn't like how Jimin took you from me... He started. Took me from him... What could that mean exactly?

- It's okay, just don't get too mad at each other and start a fight or something, I said. I was worried about them both.

- I promise that won't happen. I just... want to be with you... He continued.

- What do you mean exactly? I mean, you're with me now... I asked, confused. What is he trying to say?

- Y/N, I like you. Not only how you look, but also your personality and your innocent but also naughty style.

- Really? Or are you joking?

- I'm dead serious. I'm not the best at showing my emotions, so it might have been hard to understand that I love you. But I noticed how you got into that kiss of ours, you didn't push back or anything.

- Y-yeah, that's true... Probably because I like you as well...

- That's what I wanted to hear, Y/N. And I can promise you, I'm not as cold and emotionless on the inside as I'm on the outside. For you, I could do anything.

- Anything? Well, then I want you to promise me one more thing...

- What is it?

- To drink less alcohol. And to let me use your vape.

- Drinking, I'm going to do my best. But vaping, no problem. I didn't know you're that much of a bad girl...

- And I didn't know you were such a sweetheart.

Guys! I'm back with another chapter! It's been a long time since I posted last time, but I've completely forgotten about Wattpad and concentrated on other things. I haven't written much these days either. But I hope you like this one! See ya! 

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